Re: Free PCS Cell Phone <==

From: <>
Date: 05 Jan 00 1:51:33 AM

The 1st and ONLY Free PCS Digital Cell Phone with
NO Long Distance & No Roaming ANYTIME MIN. {50 State Coverage}
Now Available on the Net!!
Good Credit, Bad credit, No problem.
  That's right, a FREE PCS Digital Cell Phone.
  Your cost is 0.00, nada, nothing, free means free!!!!
  Unprecedented Nationwide, Limited Time Offer!!!
Your Free Digital Phone includes the following:
       * Choice of either Samsung mod # SCH-2000 or Qualcomm Thin Phone
          [Any of these phones would cost you over $200.00 at any
             retail Cellular store - we have no store overhead so you Save]
       * All NEW phones.
       * No Activation Fee.
       * No Up-Front Cost, first bill within 30 days from date received
              [ All you pay is sales tax on the phone. ]
       * FREE long distance and roaming.
       * FREE Caller ID.
       * FREE Call Waiting.
       * FREE Voicemail.
       * FREE paging. [ Get rid of your pager bill. ]
       * FREE First Incoming Minute.
       * FREE home charger.
       * Lightweight 6 oz.
       * Crystal Clear digital NATIONWIDE PCS service [USA Only]
            [ Nations BEST Digital Carrier ]
       * Choice of Voice Activation on Samsung model only.
       * FREE Delivery by UPS within 10-15 working days of approval.
       * 30 return policy [restrictions may apply].
       * There is no better Deal on a cell phone on the planet!
Hi Folks:
Want or need a free cell phone?
Sure everyone does!
Nice to have for emergencies.
Easy to qualify just fill out the form below & fax it to us.
[If you are not approved you will be notified as to your need for the deposit]
TO ORDER and receive your FREE CELL PHONE just print this email & fill out
the simple application form then Fax to the number below. Your phone will be
shipped ASAP & you should have it within 10-15 business days of approval:
[ Not from the time you fax it. ]
{Sorry no email orders.}
                 ------- CUT HERE -------
Fax Order Centers:
                                => 775-542-1594
                                => 775-854-1011
PLEASE PRINT or TYPE CLEARLY & FAX O N L Y this application page.
no blank fields.
EMAIL Address:____________________
First:__________________ M.I. ____ Last:________________________
City:______________________________ST:______ Zip:____________
County:_______________ [NEEDED TO FIND YOUR COVERAGE AREA]
SS#_______________________ Date Of Birth:______/_____/________
DL#:__________________________ Exp Date:_____/_____/_______
Home Ph#:(___)_______________[NO PAGER NUMBERS]
Work Ph#:(____)_____________Ext#:______[NO PAGER NUMBERS]
Best Time To Call:______________________ Time Zone:_____________
YOUR Business or EMPLOYER Information:
Check one: ____Self-employed ____Employee
If self-employed your business license # ______________ or
Sales Tax ID #_____________
COMPANY NAME:____________________________________________
City:_______________________________ST:________ Zip:_________
Phone #:______________________

Check phone you want: ___Samsung mod # SCH-2000 ___ Qualcomm thin phone
Calling Plans:
[Check the one that will best fit your needs.]
[You can upgrade or downgrade your selection at any time.]
_____$ 29.99/month for 120 ANYTIME MIN.[over plan per min charge $.35 cents]
_____$ 49.99/month for 400 ANYTIME MIN.[over plan per min charge $.30 cents]
_____$ 69.99/month for 600 ANYTIME MIN.[over plan per min charge $.25 cents]
_____$ 99.99/month for 1,000 ANYTIME MIN.[over plan per min charge $.25 cents]
_____$ 149.99/month for 1,500 ANYTIME MIN.[over plan per min charge $.25 cents]

Signature:______________________________ Date:_____/_____/___________
No up front money - your first bill within 30 days from receipt of phone.
   [2 year Air Time contract]
Authorization for credit check and contract approved by my signature.
Check your application status by calling 435-508-1156
Fax Order Centers:
                                => 775-542-1594
                                => 775-854-1011
                 ------- CUT HERE -------

If due to the response to this offer the fax lines are busy please try again.
Lance Smith
Free Cell Phone Agent

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Received on Wed Jan 05 2000 - 03:57:45 MST

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