Re: confoig.h squid.h design

From: Alex Rousskov <>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:06:08 -0600

On Sat, 2008-04-26 at 00:33 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> So why not put that in compat/?
> Well, I'm imagining the compat/ parent directory itself having stuff
> like the MD5.h specific small-scale compat which components might need
> to share, but not the whole of squid. The semi-critical bits as I think
> of them.
> compat/includes and compat/lib you mentioned in your plans as being
> propose for autoconf to perform complete squid-wide replacement of
> missing header files or functions.
> I thought of bits as the equivalent for manual developer use instead of
> cluttering those up again.

The critical versus semi-critical (or manual versus automated?)
distinction between what should go into compat/ and what should go into
compat/bits is still not clear to me, but I will try to figure it out as
we add stuff. If you are confident we need this, let's not waste time on
this discussion. Just correct me if I start putting stuff in the wrong
directory. With bzr, it should not be difficult to move it.

> > What will happen is that you will have to place two-line wrappers in
> > compat/ so that the rest of the code can get access to some of the stuff
> > in compat/bits/. That's not a big deal.
> May not be a big deal but I don't understand you.
> Please explain by what you mean by having to us two-line wrappers. And
> what form they would need to take (#if ... #endif ?? or makefile: if ...
> fi ??).

I was talking about include files. See /usr/include/c
++/*/map, /usr/include/c++/*/string and other GCC STL files for examples
of such wrappers. Those STL header wrappers have some logic/need in
them; hopefully ours will too.

Thank you,

Received on Fri Apr 25 2008 - 14:07:09 MDT

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