Re: [PATCH] Comm Write cleanups

From: Alex Rousskov <>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 15:41:10 -0700

On 11/11/2010 07:55 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> Updated version of earlier patch. This one works again after the client
> write pools merged.
> * creates namespace Comm::IO for the read and write functionality to exist.

Do we really need the Io sub-namespace? What Comm[unication] namespace
parts are not about I/O? For example, all code already in src/comm/, and
pretty much everything in is also about I/O. If you are not
sure, let's drop the Io namespace from Comm.

> +}; // namespace Io
> +}; // namespace Comm

Extra semicolon after '}'.

You may want to fix others as well but such changes would be out of this
patch scope, of course:

src/auth/Config.h:}; // namespace Auth
src/comm/ListenStateData.h:}; // namespace Comm
src/esi/Module.h:}; // namespace Esi
src/eui/Config.h:}; // namespace Eui
src/eui/Eui48.h:}; // namespace Eui
src/eui/Eui64.h:}; // namespace Eui
src/fs/Module.h:}; // namespace Fs
src/ident/Config.h:}; // namespace Ident
src/ident/}; // namespace Ident
src/ip/Address.h:}; // namespace Ip
src/ip/Intercept.h:}; // namespace Ip
src/ip/QosConfig.h:}; // namespace Qos
src/ip/QosConfig.h:}; // namespace Ip
src/ip/tools.h:}; // namespace Ip
src/ipc/StrandCoords.h:}; // namespace Ipc
src/log/Config.h:}; // namespace Log
src/SquidMath.h:}; // namespace Math

> * The comm_write() functions are moved into that scope as
> Comm::IO::Write() and only accept AsyncCall now.
> * commio_* functions are all moved to methods of a new
> Comm::Io::Callback object. Which represents either a read or a write
> callback event waiting to happen. Old wrapper versions of the functions
> have been removed.
> * The fdc_table of pending read and write callbacks has been moved into
> the Comm::IO scope with (the name iocb_table) and should be considered
> private. For now the COMMIO_*_CB() macros are retained to produce a
> pointer to a callback object in this table.
> * has been renamed to

* Should comm_err_t and its members be moved inside Comm namespace,
dropping their comm prefixes? We can use transitional #defines to avoid
widespread changes if that is what you are trying to prevent. It is kind
of wrong to move comm_err_t to comm/ but leave it outside the Comm

> This is not expected to produce any functionality changes.

Overall, this looks good to me although I could not verify that there
are no functionality changes due to code relocation (I have heard that
only git can track those).

Thank you,

Received on Wed Nov 17 2010 - 22:41:11 MST

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