# a comment name: X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT detail: "SSL Certficate error: certificate issuer (CA) not known: %ssl_ca_name" descr: "Unable to get issuer certificate" #a second comment name: X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Unable to get certificate CRL" name: X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Unable to decrypt certificate's signature" name: X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Unable to decrypt CRL's signature" name: X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY detail: "Unable to decode issuer (CA) public key: %ssl_ca_name" descr: "Unable to decode issuer public key" name: X509_V_ERR_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Certificate signature failure" name: X509_V_ERR_CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "CRL signature failure" name: X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID detail: "SSL Certficate is not valid before: %ssl_notbefore" descr: "Certificate is not yet valid" name: X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED detail: "SSL Certificate expired on: %ssl_notafter" descr: "Certificate has expired" name: X509_V_ERR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "CRL is not yet valid" name: X509_V_ERR_CRL_HAS_EXPIRED detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "CRL has expired" name: X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD detail: "SSL Certificate has invalid start date (the 'not before' field): %ssl_subject" descr: "Format error in certificate's notBefore field" name: X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD detail: "SSL Certificate has invalid expiration date (the 'not after' field): %ssl_subject" descr: "Format error in certificate's notAfter field" name: X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Format error in CRL's lastUpdate field" name: X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Format error in CRL's nextUpdate field" name: X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM detail: "%ssl_error_descr" descr: "Out of memory" name: X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT detail: "Self-signed SSL Certificate: %ssl_subject" descr: "Self signed certificate" name: X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN detail: "Self-signed SSL Certificate in chain: %ssl_subject" descr: "Self signed certificate in certificate chain" name: X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY detail: "SSL Certficate error: certificate issuer (CA) not known: %ssl_ca_name" descr: "Unable to get local issuer certificate" name: X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Unable to verify the first certificate" name: X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Certificate chain too long" name: X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Certificate revoked" name: X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_ca_name" descr: "Invalid CA certificate" name: X509_V_ERR_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Path length constraint exceeded" name: X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Unsupported certificate purpose" name: X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Certificate not trusted" name: X509_V_ERR_CERT_REJECTED detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Certificate rejected" name: X509_V_ERR_SUBJECT_ISSUER_MISMATCH detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_ca_name" descr: "Subject issuer mismatch" name: X509_V_ERR_AKID_SKID_MISMATCH detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Authority and subject key identifier mismatch" name: X509_V_ERR_AKID_ISSUER_SERIAL_MISMATCH detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_ca_name" descr: "Authority and issuer serial number mismatch" name: X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Key usage does not include certificate signing" name: X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject" descr: "Application verification failure"