Re: [PATCH] CacheManager subscription to IPC

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 09:18:43 +1200

On 01/09/11 03:11, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 08/31/2011 03:32 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> Okay. You have brought up a few things I need to ask about before going
>> further.
>> I was under the dubious assumption that each SMP process had an
>> Ipc::Coordinator _Job_ which read UDS packets and called the appropriate
>> function based on type. With the coordinator _process_ version of that
>> Job doing more shovelling around stuff in its actions than the workers.
>> - my change #1 was to make that function an AsyncCall and schedule it
>> instead of calling synchronously. All fine. Nothing that could cross
>> processes there.
>> - my questionable change (#2) was to make the CacheManager a Job which
>> was instantiated during reconfigure/startup. (that would be one for each
>> worker yes?)
>> - during setup that Manager Job uses Ipc::Coordinator::Instance() and
>> registers its Mgr::Request/Mgr::Reply actions AsyncCalls to receive mgr:
>> packets. (that might start in Ipc::Coordinator in each worker?)
>> What I am trying to achieve is:
>> - worker A received mgr:action URL. Sends Mgr::Request (UDS packet) to
>> ?1?.
>> - ?2? schedules Manager:: subscription call to handle the
>> packet/TypedMsgHdr
>> - Question: manager ACKs receipt with Mgr::Response immediately?
>> - CacheManager handling it schedules UDS requests for all the workers
>> through ?2?
>> - ?3? in the worker B-F receives UDS packet and produces a reply, and
>> passes it back to ?3?
>> - ?2? passes the worker B-F replies to manager which merged and send
>> the reply via UDS to worker A.
>> Halfway sane? or batting off left field?
>> ?1? and ?2? would be the same Ipc::Coordinator Job right? or is ?1? a
>> worker UDS handler and ?2? the coordinator process UDS handler?
>> (gah, looks like a mess, hope you can read that.)
> I understand most of it, but it does not match how things work today,
> and I do not think it matches how things should work after your changes.
> Let me try to summarize the overall operation here, but I recommend
> reading the corresponding class definitions for details.
> 0. A kid is Squid processes. Kids have different roles.
> Every kid has a CacheManager class instance.
> There is only one Coordinator kid C.
> C and only C has an Ipc::Coordinator class instance.
> 1a. A worker kid W receives mgr:action HTTP request:
> CacheManager::Start().
> 1b. W converts the HTTP request into an IPC request and sends
> that IPC request to Coordinator kid C. The IPC request
> includes the HTTP client connection descriptor so that C
> can respond directly to the HTTP client.
> W expects an ACK from C.
> This step is done using the Mgr::Forwarder class.
> 2. C receives an IPC request from W:
> Ipc::Coordinator::handleCacheMgrRequest().
> C broadcasts that IPC request to all kids and
> collects their responses. This is done using the
> Mgr::Inquirer class.
> 3a. A kid K receives Coordinator request:
> Ipc::Strand::handleCacheMgrRequest().
> Many kids will receive this request, including
> worker W mentioned in 1a and 1b above. In general,
> a kid does not need to know whether the HTTP cache manager
> request came to it or to some other kid. And not all kids
> processing IPC cache manager requests are workers.
> 3b. K creates the right Action object and
> asks that object to collect the necessary data,
> eventually responding to Coordinator:
> action->respond(request).
> The above omits processing of IPC responses, but the code is rather
> symmetric: For every handleCacheMgrRequest() mentioned above, there
> should be matching handleCacheMgrResponse().
> As you can see, there are two major classes working on the cache manager
> request: Ipc::Coordinator (only present in C) and Ipc::Strand (present
> in most other processes). Their instances, one per process, are created
> in
>> if (IamCoordinatorProcess())
>> AsyncJob::Start(Ipc::Coordinator::Instance());
>> else if (UsingSmp()&& IamWorkerProcess())
>> AsyncJob::Start(new Ipc::Strand);
> Both Ipc::Coordinator and Ipc::Strand have a common parent, Ipc::Port.

Aha. Thank you! that seems to be the missing piece
  So Ipc::Strand instance lookup is what CacheManager needs to be using
in that else instead of throwing. In order to send its Async reply back
to the IPC.

> If you want to teach cache manager-related code to use Subscription API,
> teach Ipc::Port if possible and Ipc::{Coordinator,Strand} if not.
> Do not fiddle with CacheManager class as a part of this project:
> CacheManager may eventually deal with subscriptions directly, but it
> would be overall better if you do not try to change two very different
> things at once: how the messages are received and who receives them.


I think I am going to have to change the Ipc::Coordinator ACK logics a
bit so that when a message arrives and needs an ACK it is the one to do
so at the point the Asynccall is scheduled for handling. Allowing us to
NACK it immediately if not handled. Then I can pull all that request
handler Instance() dependency back out of CacheManager.


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   Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.15
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Received on Wed Aug 31 2011 - 21:18:49 MDT

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