Re: ICAP connections under heavy loads

From: Alex Rousskov <>
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2012 11:03:04 -0600

On 09/07/2012 09:51 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 8/09/2012 3:17 a.m., Alex Rousskov wrote:
>> On 09/07/2012 08:33 AM, Alexander Komyagin wrote:
>>>>> However, as I stated earlier, the problem (actually semantics
>>>>> problem) persists. I think it should be documented that second and
>>>>> subsequent calls to comm_connect_addr() do not guarantee connection
>>>>> establishment unless there was a correct select() notification.

> Which to me means we cannot rely on it at all for the timeout callback
> cases

Moreover, there is no need to call comm_connect_addr() in timeout cases.
The connection has timed out and should be closed. End of story. We do
not need to try extra hard and check whether the connection was
established at the OS level just when the timeout handler was scheduled;
we will not be able to detect some such cases anyway and all such cases
will be rare with any reasonable timeout.

> The entire point of calling comm_connect_addr() from timeout callback is
> to determine whether select() notification is in flight. If that fails
> (as it does for your cases) it is useless doing, we may as well treat
> them all as timeouts and abort quickly.

Exactly. I hope we are all in agreement that the latter is the right
thing to do. There is no point in complicating and slowing down the code
to optimize handling of rare low-level race conditions. We can handle
them by closing the connection.

> I think from all this discussion the ConnOpener::DelayedConnectRetry
> handler needs to be investigated as well.

Agreed. Why is that handler reusing the same failed socket? Should not
we close the failed socket descriptor upon detecting a failure and then
open a new one just before trying again?

>> comm_connect_addr() is called by ConnOpener in at least two cases:
>> 1. To initiate the connection, after comm_openex in ConnOpener::start().
> ConnOpener::connect() - called synchronously from start().
>> 2. After select(2) or equivalent said that the socket is ready for
>> writing.
> This is connect() scheduled from ConnOpener::InProgressConnectRetry().


> ** we could cancel the timeout and earlyAbort calls in the wrapper when
> scheduling the connect() call to happen later. This will reduce the
> async lag when those might kick in.

I agree that we could do that, but it will only complicate the code as
we will have to make sure that we do not delay reconnecting beyond the
timeout (which may be in 0.000 seconds), and that we re-establish the
timeout handler once we restart connecting again. I really do not think
that the increased complexity is worth occasionally eliminating one
timeout notification in an already rare failing case.

Here is the sketch for connect retries on failures, as I see it:

        ++failRetries_; // TODO: rename to failedTries

        // we failed and have to start from scratch
        ... close the temporary socket ...

        // if we exhausted all retries, bail with an error
        if (failRetries_ > Config.connect_retries) {
            ... send COMM_ERR_CONNECT to the caller ...

        // we can still retry after a small pause
        // we might timeout before that pause ends, but that is OK
        eventAdd("Comm::ConnOpener::DelayedConnectRetry", ...)

More changes would be needed to make this work correctly:

* the timeout handler should not be associated with the socket
descriptor (since it may change). We can use eventAdd instead.

* the Comm::ConnOpener::DelayedConnectRetry() wrapper should call a
method that will open a new socket.

> 3. after system-connect(), before timeout or select() notification is
> received
> This is ConnOpener::DelayedRetryConnectRetry()
> * select maybe ready or not, timeout may also be pending or not. Thus
> the if() timeout checks inside connect() swicth cases to abort on timeout.

Yes, but we should just let the timeout handler do its thing instead of
trying to predict what it will do and when it will do it, IMO. The
current retry code may already schedule an event notification beyond the
timeout horizon so while it tries to be super accurate with timeouts, it
still misses a case. KISS instead.



> 4. on timeout notification before select() notification is received
> (maybe ready, maybe not)
> This is ConnOpener::timeout().
> * only the OK switch case from connect() is useful, all other events
> COMM_TIMOUT callback notice needs to be sent.
>> Let's focus on the second context. We know the socket is writeable. This
>> can mean that either (2a) the connection was established (or at least
>> ready for writing) OR (2b) that there was a problem establishing the
>> connection.
>> Can a getsockopt() call in case 2b guarantee problem detection? If my
>> reading of Stevens explanation is correct, it cannot (because Stevens
>> suggests three ways to get that guarantee instead of calling getsockopt,
>> implying that getsockopt is not reliable in this context).
>> If I am right, the new documentation should reflect this uncertainty.
>> However, as discussed before, the higher level code will still work even
>> if we do not notice the error right away (we will get an error when we
>> try to write or read).
>> HTH,
>> Alex.
Received on Sat Sep 08 2012 - 17:03:15 MDT

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