Re: [PATCH] Pipeline prefetch build-time control

From: Alex Rousskov <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 11:00:14 -0600

On 05/20/2013 10:59 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> Used "we cannot service any more of the pipeline" instead. To make it
> clear that some has been serviced, but no more will regardless of how
> far down the pipeline we are..

At that point, we do not know (and do not need to know) whether any
request has been serviced: connOkToAddRequest() is called for the very
first request (as well as for subsequent requests).

>>> + const bool result = (conn->getConcurrentRequestCount() < 1);
>>> + if (!result)
>>> + debugs(33, 3, conn->clientConnection << " persistence
>>> disabled. Concurrent requests discarded.");

>> We do not know whether we discarded something or not. Drop the second
>> sentence.

> We do know that.

You are right, my bad. I missed the positive notYetUsed precondition.
Please note that it does not imply that we are parsing a second request
though. connOkToAddRequest() is called for the first request as well.

> I've decided to move it up into the
> config consistency checks next to the pipeline vs auth checks.

Yes, that is the right place for the configuration consistency check.

> I've added a loop to scan for Connection:close (and
> Proxy-Connection:close), and CONNECT method as blockers on further
> pipieline reads. There may be other conditions we find later.

The new loop is problematic, on several levels:

1) We should either

  * assume (or ensure) that when we are called a connection is persistent


  * not assume that when getCurrentContext() is NULL the connection is

I recommend the first approach because it is simpler, does not add new
state, and avoids code duplication. This is the approach used before
your changes AFAICT. However, if you disagree, then the
"getCurrentContext() is NULL implies that the connection is persistent"
assumption above should be removed and the next two items will also apply:

2) We should not implement "connection is persistent after this request"
check inside the loop. It should be either a method of
ClientSocketContext() or a ConnStateData member, depending on whether
you remove the assumption discussed above.

3) The check itself raises a few red flags. For example, if the previous
requests is CONNECT, we should not even be here. And even if the
previous request did not have Connection:close or equivalent, we may
still not be persistent because of many other conditions. We probably
need to take request->flags.proxyKeepalive into account here. Look for
code marked with "check whether we should send keep-alive" comment in

In summary, I think the decision tree looks like this:

1. Please carefully consider removing all the new persistency checks you
have added. They are outside your patch scope, they may not be needed at
all, and implementing them correctly requires more work. When connection
stops being persistent, it is closed, and the pipelining code in
question is not called (if you have reasons to doubt that last
assumption, let's fix the code to make it true).

2. If you insist on adding those new checks for some good reason that I
have missed, then I recommend adding a new ConnStateData::persistent_
field that the client-side code will maintain. Correct maintenance will
not be trivial, but this approach avoids looping concurrent requests
(that may be all gone already) and duplicating persistency checks for
each request.

> + // XXX: check that pipeline queue length is no more than M seconds long already.
> + // For long-delay queues we need to push back at the client via leaving things in TCP buffers.
> + // By time M all queued objects are already at risk of getting client-timeout errors.

I do not think we should do this, at least not by default, so this is
not an XXX. I would remove that comment, but if you want to keep it,
please rephrase it as an optional feature. It would be rather difficult
for Squid to measure the time those requests spent in TCP buffers and
also predict whether the client still wants those requests to go ahead.
Some clients would not submit all requests at once and will not timeout
submitted requests as long as they keep receiving response(s), for example.

Thank you,

Received on Tue May 21 2013 - 17:00:29 MDT

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