Re: [PATCH] Unknown cfg function

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 04:04:16 +1200

On 31/07/2013 3:03 a.m., Tsantilas Christos wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am posting an alternate patch.
> This patch:
> 1) If token starts from ( do not consider it as function parameters
> start point and return a token from ( to the next white space


> 2) If configuration_includes_quoted_values is set to "on" (new style
> enabled) and token ends on a ( character, consider it as function name.
> If the token is "parameters" return FunctionParameters type else return
> FunctionNameUnknown type and parsing fails

Um. I am okay with this but do forsee a few tricky points here ... (not
quite problems, but tricky).

This above logic still means that we are requiring all regex patterns to
be quoted strings whenever they contain () brackets around the final
segment of pattern.

  => If we are going to make any regex require special quoting, then I
think it worthwhile being consistent and making them all require quoting.
     Are we agreed that making regex "-quoted is a good idea?

The '\' escape is already used internally by regex and layering multiple
levels of \-escaping gets nasty quite quickly.

  => Luckily we only have 2 layers here. But it does mean that simply
wrapping existing patterns in "" is not enough, each pattern needs to be
individually marked up with escaping inside the quotes.

  => The number of admin using long lists of regex is quite high and
means that we are likely going to have to support a mix of quoted and
non-quoted regex simultaneously in the same file when
configuration_includes_quoted_values is set to "on"

> 3) If configuration_includes_quoted_values is set to "off" (new style
> enabled) and token ends on a (, if the token is "parameters" return
> FunctionParameters type, else do not end the token on '(' but to the
> next whitespace character.
> For example for the string "test(test) more" will return as token the
> "test(test)"

config set to "off" is legacy parser. Typo in your description?

If quoted-values is OFF. I would be expecting to get the token...
"test(test) ... notice the missing end-quote since start-quote should
have been ignored and treated as part of the single word token.

> For the new style if someone want to use '(' character on a regex for
> example, he should use quotes:
> 'test(.*/)'
> "test(.*/)"
> If someone does not want interpret macros he should use single quotes:
> 'test(.*)\/$'
> Is it OK?

Alex and I had a small discussion on IRC and neither of us could see a
clear reason why this parser is doing anything with $macros right now.
The only $macros supported by Squid so far are replaced earlier and
don't exist in the config file lines this parse layer is tokenising. If
you have any good reson to keep it please mention. Otherwise please
remove that '$' special case inside quoted-string parsing. (my patch
added #if 0 around it).

I was going to suggest removing the single-quoted strings support as
well to avoid letting people quote randomly with either. But with the
regex problems I think we should leave that in as the method to prevent
\-unescaping and document that regex patterns be single-quoted strings
while other tokens be double-quoted.

Also, Alex review of my patch mentioned the Bungled #1 and #2 markers
as a problem. They can be dropped,it was a leftover from me trying to
figure out when file nesting was occuring. The debugs lines on push/pop
do a better job.


> On 07/29/2013 08:25 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> Looks like nobody actually ran the trivial "-k parse" test using 3.HEAD
>> or the initial quoted strings code.
>> Attached is a patch which adds a secondary form of undo for handling
>> incorrectly identified ConfigParser::FunctionNameToken elements. Instead
>> of aborting Squid on any non-function token containing a '(' we take the
>> wrongly identified assumed function name element and reform it with the
>> '(' delimiter and trailing element. The resulting aggregate token which
>> should have been identified initially is then sent to the upper parser
>> layer.
>> Amos
Received on Tue Jul 30 2013 - 16:04:23 MDT

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