
From: Josh Crane <>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 12:29:25 +1030

Hi there Just had a couple of quick questions re the peek and splice branch code below.. >> SSL *clientSsl = fd_table[request->clientConnectionManager->clientConnection->fd].ssl; BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(clientSsl); Ssl::ClientBio *clnBio = static_cast<Ssl::ClientBio *>(b->ptr); const Ssl::Bio::sslFeatures &features = clnBio->getFeatures(); ... if (!features.serverName.empty()) SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl, features.serverName.c_str()); << Given the above and related code within bio/clientbio, I'd like to be able to call SSL_get_servername() or similar to grab the target https hostname (via TLS SNI) from within httpsAccept() (ie before a peek is performed). Is this possible? and given that's all I want from the peek/slice branch atm, is it easy enough to merge the relevant sections with stable to achieve what I want? Also, is it possible to get the peek/slice branch neatly packaged for config/compilation on generic (various) distributions? Cheers!
Received on Fri Aug 01 2014 - 01:59:32 MDT

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