Modified for squid 1.0 (new log format)

From: Stewart Forster <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 09:24:33 +1100


        We had troubles with taking HOURS to get through
processing the results. I did some digging and found it was spending almost
ALL of its time in doing the sort()'s for the top N stuff. It was taking over
an hour each for the top UDP and top TCP sorts. I've made some mods which
brought this down to about 5 seconds (for us anyway) for each top N sort
(seriously!). I don't know what PERL uses for a sort(), but I just implemented
a simple insertion sort into an array of N, and processing time for sorting
dropped by a factor of 1000!

        Also, the 1.0 doesn't count UDP_HIT_OBJ and
TCP_IFMODSINCE as savings, and doesn't count TCP_REFRESH as misses, so I've
added these to the sums. We found that our cache savings figures jumped by
13% (from 45% to 58%) when we started counting what all the savings we were
REALLY getting.

        Anyway, the script follows. I hope you find it useful, and maybe
the squid programmers can incorporate the sorting speed increases at least
into the newer versions of squid (if they haven't done so already).



----------------------- cut here ----------------------
# with changes: Stewart Forster 28/10/96
$ENV{'TZ'} = 'Australia/NSW';
require '';
require '';
$usage = "$0: -o -w window -n # -l logfile\n";

%Month = ('Jan', 0, 'Feb', 1, 'Mar', 2, 'Apr', 3, 'May', 4, 'Jun', 5,
          'Jul', 6, 'Aug', 7, 'Sep', 8, 'Oct', 9, 'Nov', 10, 'Dec', 11);

# Defaults
$logfile = '/usr/local/www/cache/access.log';
$window = 1; # days;
$Nlimit = 10; # show top 10 of things

$window = $opt_w if defined $opt_w;
$Nlimit = $opt_n if defined $opt_n;
$logfile = $opt_l if defined $opt_l;

open(logfile) || die("$logfile: $!\n");

$curtime = time; # get current time stamp
$timhrzn = $window * 86400; # 1 day time horizon (86400 seconds)

$hlimit=$Nlimit; # top n hosts
$dhitlimit=$Nlimit; # top n document hits

chop( $hostname = `uname -n` );

$timcut = $curtime - $timhrzn; # time cutoff

while(<logfile>) {
        ($time,$servicet,$who,$flags,$size,$op,$what) = split;
        ($flag,$stat, $action)= split(/\//,$flags);
        @T = localtime($time);
        $min = $T[1];
        $hour = $T[2];

        if($time >= $timcut) {
         $bin = int($time/300); # 5 min. granularity
         $sbin = int($servicet/100); # 100 msec granularity
         $sbin= 500 if ($servicet > 50000);
         $oldtime = $time unless ($oldtime);
         if(($flag eq 'TCP_HIT') || ($flag eq 'TCP_MISS') || ($flag eq
'TCP_IFMODSINCE') || ($flag eq 'UDP_HIT_OBJ') || ($flag eq 'TCP_REFRESH')){
          $TODbytes{$bin}+=$size if ($flag eq 'TCP_MISS');
          $TODbytes{$bin}+=$size if ($flag eq 'TCP_REFRESH');
          $TODbytes{$bin}+=$size if ($flag eq 'TCP_IFMODSINCE' && $action ne
          $totalsize += $size;

         next if ($flag eq 'TCP_DONE');

         $tcp_hit{$what}++ if ($flag eq 'TCP_HIT');
         $udp_hit{$what}++ if ($flag eq 'UDP_HIT');
         $hitsize += $size if ($flag eq 'TCP_HIT');
         $hitsize += $size if ($flag eq 'UDP_HIT_OBJ');
         $hitsize += $size if ($flag eq 'TCP_IFMODSINCE' && $action eq 'NONE');
         $modsize += $size if ($flag eq 'TCP_IFMODSINCE');
         $staleno++ if ($flag eq 'TCP_IFMODSINCE' && $size > 250);
         $stalesize += $size if ($flag eq 'TCP_IFMODSINCE' && $size > 250);

         next unless ($flag =~ /(TCP_HIT|TCP_MISS|TCP_MISS_TTL|UDP_HIT_OBJ|TCP_

         if ($what =~ m'([^:]+)://([^:/]+)') {
          $scheme = $1;
          $host = $2;
          $host =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

         $not_cachable++ if &not_cachable($what);

         if ($what =~ m'/$') {
         } else {
          @F = split ('/', $what);
          $F = pop @F;
          @F = split ('\.', $F);
          $F = pop @F;
          $F =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

# Summaries for host/time and timings
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdat) = localtime($curtime);
printf "Subject: cache stats report for $hostname at $curtime -- %s/%s/%s
       $year,$mon+1,$mday, $hour,$min,$sec;
printf"HT $hostname at $curtime -- %s/%s/%s %.2d:%.2d:%.2d\n",
       $year,$mon+1,$mday, $hour,$min,$sec;
printf"TI $timhrzn : %d sec. ( %.1f days ) ago\n",

# Action counts
foreach $key ( sort flagsort ( keys %flagcount)) {
        printf "AC\t%d\t%s\n",

# Performance summary
printf "BS %7.3f MBytes served through the cache\n", $totalsize/1e6;
printf "BC %7.3f MBytes served from cached objects\n", $hitsize/1e6;
printf "SV %7.3f percent Internet traffic savings\n",100*$hitsize/$totalsize;
printf "US %7.3f percent in URL stop-list\n",100*$not_cachable/$url_count;
printf "GM %7.3f kBytes in GIM requests\n",$modsize/1e3;
printf "GM %7.3f stale objects\n",$staleno;
printf "GM %7.3f KBytes in stale objects\n",$stalesize/1e3;

# Cache accesses
printf "AL top $hlimit hosts using the cache\n";
foreach $key (keys %user)
        next if($user{$key} <= $user_top_count[$hlimit]);
        for($pos = $hlimit; $pos > 0; $pos--)
                last if($user{$key} <= $user_top_count[$pos]);
                $user_top_count[$pos + 1] = $user_top_count[$pos];
                $user_top_host[$pos + 1] = $user_top_host[$pos];
                $user_top_count[$pos] = $user{$key};
                $user_top_host[$pos] = $key;
for($pos = 1; $pos <= $hlimit; $pos++)
        ($a1,$a2,$a3,$a4) = split('\.',$user_top_host[$pos]);
        $name = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4',$a1,$a2,$a3,$a4),2);
        printf "HS %7d accesses from %15s %s\n", $user_top_count[$pos],
                $user_top_host[$pos], $name;

printf "TL top $dhitlimit TCP_HIT documents:\n";
foreach $key (keys %tcp_hit)
        next if($tcp_hit{$key} <= $tcp_hit_top_count[$dhitlimit]);
        for($pos = $dhitlimit; $pos > 0; $pos--)
                last if($tcp_hit{$key} <= $tcp_hit_top_count[$pos]);
                $tcp_hit_top_count[$pos + 1] = $tcp_hit_top_count[$pos];
                $tcp_hit_top_doc[$pos + 1] = $tcp_hit_top_doc[$pos];
                $tcp_hit_top_count[$pos] = $tcp_hit{$key};
                $tcp_hit_top_doc[$pos] = $key;
for($pos = 1; $pos <= $dhitlimit; $pos++)
        printf "TH %7d hits for %s\n", $tcp_hit_top_count[$pos],

printf "UL top $dhitlimit UDP_HIT documents:\n";
foreach $key (keys %udp_hit)
        next if($udp_hit{$key} <= $udp_hit_top_count[$dhitlimit]);
        for($pos = $dhitlimit; $pos > 0; $pos--)
                last if($udp_hit{$key} <= $udp_hit_top_count[$pos]);
                $udp_hit_top_count[$pos + 1] = $udp_hit_top_count[$pos];
                $udp_hit_top_doc[$pos + 1] = $udp_hit_top_doc[$pos];
                $udp_hit_top_count[$pos] = $udp_hit{$key};
                $udp_hit_top_doc[$pos] = $key;
for($pos = 1; $pos <= $dhitlimit; $pos++)
        printf "UH %7d hits for %s\n", $udp_hit_top_count[$pos],

printf "RS top $Nlimit remote sites:\n";
foreach $key (keys %rsite)
        next if($rsite{$key} <= $rsite_top_count[$Nlimit]);
        for($pos = $Nlimit; $pos > 0; $pos--)
                last if($rsite{$key} <= $rsite_top_count[$pos]);
                $rsite_top_count[$pos + 1] = $rsite_top_count[$pos];
                $rsite_top_site[$pos + 1] = $rsite_top_site[$pos];
                $rsite_top_count[$pos] = $rsite{$key};
                $rsite_top_site[$pos] = $key;
for($pos = 1; $pos <= $Nlimit; $pos++)
        printf "SI %7d accesses for %s\n", $rsite_top_count[$pos],

printf "UG top $Nlimit URL types:\n";
foreach $key (keys %type)
        next if($type{$key} <= $type_top_count[$Nlimit]);
        for($pos = $Nlimit; $pos > 0; $pos--)
                last if($type{$key} <= $type_top_count[$pos]);
                $type_top_count[$pos + 1] = $type_top_count[$pos];
                $type_top_type[$pos + 1] = $type_top_type[$pos];
                $type_top_count[$pos] = $type{$key};
                $type_top_type[$pos] = $key;
for($pos = 1; $pos <= $Nlimit; $pos++)
        printf "SI %7d accesses for %s\n", $type_top_count[$pos],

foreach $key ( sort numerically ( keys %TOD)) {
 $tstamp=$key*300; # back to seconds
 @T = localtime($time);
 $min = $T[1];
 $hour = $T[2];

 printf"TD\t%d\t%d\tTCP Counts -- %d in/out bytes\n",
        $tstamp, $TOD{$key}, $TODbytes{$key};
foreach $key ( sort numerically ( keys %SHist)) {
 $tsize=$key*100; # back to seconds

  printf"ST\t%d-%d\tService Counts -- %d operations\n",
          $tsize,$tsize+100, $SHist{$key};

exit 0;

sub flagsort { $flagcount{$b} <=> $flagcount{$a};}
sub usersort { $user{$b} <=> $user{$a} ;}
sub tcphitsort { $tcp_hit{$b} <=> $tcp_hit{$a} ;}
sub udphitsort { $udp_hit{$b} <=> $udp_hit{$a} ;}
sub rsitesort { $rsite{$b} <=> $rsite{$a} ;}
sub typesort { $type{$b} <=> $type{$a} ;}

sub numerically { $a <=> $b;}

sub not_cachable {
        $_ = shift;
        return 1 if (m'^http://.*cgi-bin');
        return 1 if (m'^http://.*\?');
        return 1 if (m'^gopher://.*\?');
        return 0;

--------------------------- cut here -----------------------------

Stewart Forster (Security and Web Proxy Cache Administrator) pty ltd, Level 9, 114 Albert Rd, Sth Melbourne, VIC 3205, Aust.
Email:   Phone: +61 3 9251-3684   Fax: +61 3 9251-3666
Received on Mon Oct 28 1996 - 14:25:26 MST

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