Thank you !

From: Michel Caillat - 45 07 76 35 <>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 97 18:09:41 +0100

A great thank you for all people who answered me and helped
to recover lost files from copies stored in the squid cache.

Yes Stephane "ca marche"

Following a very short script I wrote in Tcl to help me
to do the job. Perhaps could it be useful to someone
in a similar situation :


# inthecache.list (should be adapted of course !)
# is here the file containing all the lines in <cache>/log
# which contains references to file I am interesting in recovering them.
# (I produced it with a grep command)
set lostf [open inthecache.list r]

# Top level directory of our find commands
set cacheroot /usr/local/squid/cache

# Recipient directory for our retrieved files
set copyroot /tmp/htdocs

# Let's iterate on each line of lostf
while {[gets $lostf line] >= 0} {
    # Process line
    # Each line consists in 6 fields.
    # We are interested in :
    # * the first which is the filename in the cache
    # * the sixth which is the full specification of the original file.

    # Replace every occurences of "at least one blank" by "one blank"
    regsub -all {[ ]+} $line " " lineaux

    # Split the results in a list
    set llist [split $lineaux \ ]
    # And work on the first and sixth element of the list
    set cachef [lindex $llist 0]
    set origif [lindex $llist 5]
    puts "processing $cachef <----> $origif"

    # We just keep the file name and forgets the path
    # Doing so, we deliberately ignore the fact that
    # our original files were perhaps stored at different
    # directory levels, but ...the next version (if any
    # I hope that no !) will perhaps process this.
    set origif [file tail $origif]
    # Let's call our good old Unix find to locate the
    # the file in the cache.
    puts "looking for $cachef from toplevel $cacheroot"
    set fullcachef [exec find $cacheroot -name "$cachef"]
    if {[string length $fullcachef] > 0} then {
        puts "I retrieved a copy of $origif in $fullcachef"
        exec cp $fullcachef $copyroot/$origif
    } else {
        puts "I could not retrieve $cachef"

close $lostf

Have a good week end

Michel Caillat,
Service Informatique de l'Observatoire de Meudon,
Telephone :(1) 45 07 76 35
e-mail    :
Received on Fri Feb 21 1997 - 09:35:22 MST

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