Re: Squid 2.0 not able to access ftp sites

From: Duane Wessels <>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:34:21 -0600

Evaghelos Tsiotsios writes:

>Hi all,
>I recently upgraded one of our two Squid boxes to 2.0 Patch 2. (the other
>being 1.1.22).
>The Squid 2 box has two parents (1.1.22 both) at our ISP and the other local
>1.1.22 box as sibling.
>The problem I am facing is that clients accessing the Squid 2 box can not
>see ftp sites, getting a read timeout.
>I put an always_direct acl for bypassing neighbours for ftp sites but the
>problem persists.
>Any hints?

enable debugging?

>BTW, how can one configure ftp options in Squid 2 (a la ftpget regime?)

You can't right now. What options do you require?

Duane W.
Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 10:31:24 MDT

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