Squid 2.0 Patch 2 - Making the Cache Fetch Directly.

From: Jamie Bekkers <JTB@dont-contact.us>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 20:47:37 +0800

Hello, I have a misunderstanding with acl and getting our cache fine tuned
to fetch our local servers and some other servers directly.

Here is what I have found so far.

Say I have 100's of domains and they all live on a web server and that the
ip range of that web server is to, rather than
entering every domain which involved management I went

acl local-ip src
always direct local-ip

sounds good! No. What then happened was that if a client like me was on then all my requested would be serviced by the proxy directly,
what the above is actually saying is any requests from then fetch directly, not what I intended.

Is there a way to achieve what I want, I have also found that with
"minimum_direct_hops 6" my cache will still fetch our local servers from a
parent cache? I have all the icmp stuff turned on.

./configure --prefix=/cache --enable-icmp
 and did a make install-pinger.

Can anyone help me?

  Thanks Jamie.

---[Jamie Bekkers]--------------------------
Bekkers IT Ph: +61 8 93705611
jtb@bekkers.com.au Fx: +61 8 92726625
http://www.bekkers.com.au ICQ # 2866084
Received on Sun Oct 18 1998 - 06:32:07 MDT

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