more fd's then the shell allows on freebsd?

From: Peter C. Norton <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:10:02 -0500

Does squid set its own resource limits, or does it have to obey the
shell's max? I have a set of 4 freebsd 2.2.7 systems that are configured
with 30000 file descriptors available, however neither ulimit(1) or the
shells' builtin ulimit on the system will not ulimit themselves above 8192
fd's. Can I recompile squid and somehow force this limit up? I would
like to be able to set this to about 25000 fd's. I am already running
into occasionaly problems w/ the current limit of 8k.


Peter C. Norton                      Time comes into it. / Say it.  Say it.                   | The Universe is made of stories,           | not of atoms. 
                                     Muriel Rukeyser "The Speed of Darkness"
Received on Fri Dec 18 1998 - 13:18:16 MST

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