Re: miss_access deny Siblings maybe????

From: Dancer <>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:44:51 +1000

Keyran Bayliss wrote:
> Greetings,
> I think I've got the miss_access defined wrong but I'd like someone else
> to explain it to me please.('miss_access allow all' is what I have now)
> We've got three proxies (working nicly and configured as siblings). We
> noticed that sometimes proxyX will do a GET (TCP_MISS:DIRECT is the
> resulting code in proxyX logs) on behalf of proxyY; that is, proxyY got
> asked by a client but proxyX did the actual retrieve.

Yes, this is called a false-hit. ICP contains the URL only. The request
headers may contraindicate the use of the copy that a sibling has.

> Really what we want is if proxyY sees a request, to query it's siblings,
> (which it does currently with ICP), if they don't have it, for it to
> get the file itself, not ever get a sibling to do it.
> When a sibling does the request, the authentication information is not
> passed (from the original request) and this is a problem for us.
> Any thoughts?

On authentication: Passing the authentication info to siblings is a
security risk, as your siblings are not necessarily under your control.
(I know they _are_ in this case, however in more general situations they
may not be). Therfore the HTTP spec prohibits this information being
passed beyond the hop that it is used.

Received on Wed Sep 15 1999 - 17:52:29 MDT

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