Re: [SQU] time format in squid logs

From: Thomas Adam <>
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 10:05:30 -0800 (PST)


It "may" be possible to do this in a perl script. If I
am understanding you correctly, then as squid logs a
URL to access.log squid records the UNIX timestamp
into your localtime.

If you give me a day, I should probably be able to
post the perl script onto this mailing list.

Wish me luck,

Thomas Adam
--- wrote: > Greetings to all
fellow squid users
> Squid lists the various log events as 981124662.933
> and then 981125393.936
> later. How can I get squid to put the time in a
> usable format when each log
> event happened?
> If you use the time hack, when you configure squid
> of
> configure --enable-time-hack the access.log still
> doesn't put the time in
> when the log event was recorded in a usable format.
> Any help appreciated
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Thomas Adam
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