Re: [squid-users] (Maybe) Bugreport: Ext3-fs error with squid 2.4stable6

From: Simon White <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 15:03:43 +0000

11-Apr-02 at 13:56, Marc Elsen ( wrote :
> Hmm, I believe that the original poster's problem
> should >at least< be verified on another system with EXT3
> before SQUID is blamed.
> I mean more exactly : before it can be claimed that SQUID
> would have tricked a bug in EXT3; which has an app. can never
> be excluded, that is true.
> Programs have been know to crash os-es too...

I have Squid running on a cache with ext3fs OK but it's hardly high
load... maximum of 10 simultaneous users.

[Simon White. vim/mutt. GIMPS:67.00% see]
If it dies, it's biology.  If it blows up, it's chemistry, and if it
doesn't work, it's physics.
[Linux user #170823 Home cooked signature rotator.]
Received on Thu Apr 11 2002 - 09:03:45 MDT

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