Re: [squid-users] SQUID proxy server configuration

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Tue, 05 May 2009 01:12:45 +1200

Ahmed Akkad wrote:
> solved, :D now running 100% like i want, it is about using the flag
> "vhost" instead
> of "defaultsite", so for reference, here is the last configuration i
> did where i just added

  vhost - makes squid use the Host: header to determin domain wanted.
Normal virtual-hosting behavior.

  defaultsite=XX - makes squid assume that Host: header says XX when it
is not set at all. Useful for those legacy tools and browsers which
still don't use Host: header properly.

You may find it useful to use both, but definitely you want 'accel
vhost' as a minimum option set for this.

> the following lines at the top of the file squid.config, all other
> configurations i left them
> as they are with no modification:
> http_port 8000 accel vhost
> cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=srvtomcat
> cache_peer_domain srvtomcat
> cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=srviis
> cache_peer_domain srviis
> http_access allow all

As said "allow all" is a bad idea in general.
For the accelerator case direct access is default blocked, so not as
unsafe as it seems. But its a good idea to explicitly configure whats
wanted anyway just in case.

The default config examples show a dstdomain ACL containing the domain
names which are to be permitted by cache_peer_access, http_access, and
any other access its which need to exempt the accelerated site(s).

You will need one such ACL for each unique peer domain set.


> --
> akkad
> On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Jeff Pang <> wrote:
>> Ahmed Akkad:
>>> ok, now i have something running, but still i have a problem, please take
>>> a look
>>> at the following configuration:
>>> http_port 8000 accel defaultsite=localhost
>>> cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=srvTomcat
>>> cache_peer_domain srvTomcat
>>> cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=srvIIS
>>> cache_peer_domain srviis
>> The name should be svrIIS instead of srviis, is it?
>>> when i request either or both call the
>>> same
>>> tomcat web server that which is located on the same machine of Squid
>>> server,
>>> it suppose to request the IIS server on machine with
>>> IP,
>>> whats wrong with my config?
>> --
>> Jeff Pang
>> DingTong Technology

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   Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE14
   Current Beta Squid
Received on Mon May 04 2009 - 13:12:54 MDT

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