Re: [squid-users] jesred experiences

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 14:49:51 +1300

On 16/12/2011 12:47 p.m., E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> Hi all,
> While searching for a way to integrate squid with our apt-cacher in a
> nice way I came across an article suggesting jesred, it looks very
> interesting and I was wondering:
> 1. what are other peoples experiences with this redirector/url rewriter.
> 2. has anyone made a list of useful jesred regexes? (I searched but
> only found the debian/ubuntu redirects)
> 3. is it possible to in a similar way integrate a MS SUS server?
> Thanks,
> Eli

I note the tutorials on using jesred to link squid and apt-cach are
probably the most inefficient way to create the linkage (though maybe
some smart hacker can come up with a worse way).

Do it this way instead for far greater performance:

   cache_peer $apt_cacher_ip parent $apt_cacher_port 0 no-query
originserver name=aptcache

   acl ubuntu_repo dstdomain
   acl ubuntu_paths urlpath_regex ^/ubuntu/(dists|pool)/

   cache_peer access aptcache allow ubuntu_repo ubuntu_paths
   cache_peer_access aptcache deny all

   never_direct allow ubuntu_repo ubuntu_paths

NP: One day, when the Debian repository software moves the package
last-modified information into the HTTP headers properly Squid and a lot
of other proxies will be able to cache the repos seamlessly without
apt-cacher adding complexity.

And yes, you can integrate WSUS the same way. Whether the MS software
updaters will accept the alternate WSUS server without extra config is
always in doubt until its tried through. MS software likes to "call
home" and do some encryption exchange in a separate request channel
before the updates get underway.

Received on Fri Dec 16 2011 - 01:50:01 MST

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