Re: [squid-users] Extract session 5-tuples for HTTP requests in squid

From: Henrik Nordström <>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 10:22:31 +0200

ons 2012-04-18 klockan 11:08 +0500 skrev Ahmed Talha Khan:

> I want to extract session 5-tuples inside squid and send them to an
> ICAP servers as an argument to the service being invoked. By session
> 5-tuple i mean the following
> Source IP
> Destination IP,
> Source Port,
> Destination Port,
> Protocol
> for a specific HTTP request. These are the 5-tuples that uniquely
> identify a traffic flow. Is there a way to do it? Any place i can put
> such hooks? Or does squid have some other way of identifying
> individual requests from different IPs/Ports ?

The above identifies a flow at TCP level, not a request. Within a flow
there may be multiple requests (connection keep-alive), or even for
different clients when there is a proxy involved.

It's further complicated by Squid being a proxy, so you have two
independent TCP flows, client<->squid, and squid<->nexthopserver, and
depending on which ICAP hook you use and the details of the
request/response you may have any combination of the two available
within Squid.

To simplify matters to a manageable level most selects to identify
requests by the following tuple instead

  - Time, high resolution and NTP controlled.
  - Requesting IP (and optionally port but usually port is ignored).
  - Requested URL

This is generally sufficient to identify a single request even in high
traffic environments, even if there is a chance of collisions.

Information about the requesting client IP is sent as part of the ICAP
transaction by default in the X-Client-IP ICAP header. Maybe you also
have client information in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP request header.

If you want to add more informaition then
Adaptation::Icap::ModXact::makeRequestHeaders is the method where the
ICAP request headers is filled in.

Received on Wed Apr 18 2012 - 08:22:39 MDT

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