Re: [squid-users] I am please to release 3.3.5 + 3.HEAD RPM for centos 6.4.

From: Eliezer Croitoru <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 17:26:44 +0300

On 5/21/2013 5:04 PM, csn233 wrote:
> Thanks for the great work on StoreID.
> From my testing, Youtube has more than just itag/range/redirect. I've
> just found a /videoplayback of type text/plain rather than just
> video/flv. If I excluded this text/plain, it works, otherwise I get a
> blank window that doesn't play.
> It could be just my setup of course...
I didnt shared everything but there are couple domains. and

there are also couple other things inside this scope of excluding from
using storeID.

a sec I will look at my settings.

acl ytcblcok urlpath_regex (begin\=)
acl ytcblockdoms dstdomain
acl offlinedoms dstdomain "/etc/squid/offline.doms"
acl ytimg dstdomain
acl img urlpath_regex (\.jpg)
acl video urlpath_regex (\.mp4|\.flv)
acl nocache urlpath_regex &non_cache\=1$
acl rewritedoms dstdomain
acl banned_methods method CONNECT POST DELETE PUT

^http://(youtube|ytimg|vimeo|[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\.squid\.internal/.* 10080
80% 79900 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-no-cache
ignore-private ignore-reload ignore-must-revalidate ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://imdbv\.squid\.internal/.*mp4.* 10080 80% 28800
override-expire override-lastmod ignore-no-cache ignore-private

store_id_children 40 startup=10 idle=5 concurrency=0
store_id_access allow rewritedoms !banned_methods

For me the setup is pretty simple and works like a charm.
squid head handles all the files which dosn't need to be cached by
default and forces only these who actually needs to be cached.
Also the helper I wrote is precise and does only what it needs to do in
order to prevent what you are describing.
just install ruby and some small gem of xml and everything else is standard.

Best Regards,
Received on Tue May 21 2013 - 14:27:28 MDT

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