Re: [squid-users] Re: warning "This cache hit is still fresh and more than 1 day old"

From: Eliezer Croitoru <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:31:59 +0200

Hey Hussam,

On 12/01/14 21:36, Hussam Al-Tayeb wrote:
> It was because wget --server-response was printing that warning. Then
> when i purged that file from cache, the unvalidated entry disappeared.
It is possible but unlikely to be the reason.

The basic nature of a SWAP_FAIL is in the disk level.
While there are lots of possibilities to make sure this indeed the case
there is a need to have the full request and response details.
Then to run throw the whole cache objects in disk and in ram and
test\validate them all.

It depends on what objects you are looking at and what cache dir you
will look upon.
The basic AUFS file structure allows to validate the objects almost
manually while using very simple tools to very it is possible.

For every object that is served to the client squid must verify basics
and these are OK.
In the case of "PURGE and it was fixed" it is not likely to just be the
case which this specific object was the one that is causing the issue.
I would not say it is not possible since it is possible but unlikely to

I would just say that to make sure that this specific case you are
talking about is indeed the case there is a need first to run tests for
a very long time.
It will be then simple to actually look at the issue and understand the
main problems and later on improve them.

I do think that your question was more then just relevant but a very
accurate one that can help understand the issue better.

Received on Mon Jan 13 2014 - 02:37:18 MST

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