Re: Patch submission

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 01:45:10 +1300

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 14:33 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> I've been thinking it would be a good idea to add the patch-cleaning
>> script to the source for people to use for submission. There are a few
>> minor issues to work out still but if you all agree I'll drop it in.
> Is this the script we talked about earlier which cleans the submission
> from any automake files, or does it do something else?

My current version:
  Cleans the ~N~ files created during merge.
  Cleans the automake files out of the submitted patch
  Checks the branch status to see if there is un-committed data to be saved.
  Generates a patch (if name given)
  OR generates a merge request and sends it to squid-dev.

I've attached todays tweaked version. Its having an error in the status
check, but otherwise works.

> As already discussed the trees used for development should not contain
> automake derived files. Only the release trees.
> I propose to clean this up in bzr next week.

Okay. That would obsolete the first few steps of the patch cleanup.

> I also propose to restructure the bzr branch names a little to separate
> release branches from other branches, i.e. creating "stable" and
> "releases" subtres in bzr for keeping the stable branches and release
> tags.
> stable/squid-3.0
> stable/squid-3.1 (when it's time)
> releases/squid-3.0.STABLE1
> releases/squid-3.0.STABLE2
> ..
> with autotool derived files kept only in these, not in trunk or other
> non-stable branches.
> maybe we should also add a staging/testing hierarchy (also without
> derived files) but I'll leave that for later.

So what is happening with TRUNK?
Are we going to make a public HEAD branch read-only with autofiles for
the testing 'releases'?
Or require testers to install the autotools packages?


Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.

echo " Cleaning up any bzr merge leftovers ..."
rm -f cfgaux/*.~{1,2,3}~ lib/libTrie/cfgaux/*.~{1,2,3}~

echo " Omitting auto-generated files ... "
bzr revert -r submit: {,*/,*/*/,*/*/*/,*/*/*/*/} aclocal.m4 cfgaux/* configure
echo ""

echo " Omitting alterations to Third-Party configurations ..."
bzr revert -r submit: lib/*/aclocal.m4 lib/*/configure lib/*/cfgaux/*
echo ""

echo " Patch Status: ..."
if [ `bzr status -V` != "" ]; then
        echo "Recent Changes must be committed before merge."
        bzr status -V
        exit 1
echo ""

if [ "${1}" != "" ]; then
        echo " Generating PATCH file ${1}.patch ..."
        bzr diff -r submit: >./${1}.patch
        echo ""
        # Generate patch and send to squid-dev.
        echo " Generating and submitting MERGE patch for squid-dev ..."
        bzr send
Received on Tue Mar 25 2008 - 06:45:26 MDT

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