Re: Problems with Limecast Server

From: Adrian Chadd <>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 03:45:24 +0800

On Sat, May 17, 2008, Sven K??hler wrote:
> >>So actually, the mp3stream is found and played by my mp3-players. Yet,

> But at the moment, i'm completely irritated.
> When i run a "wget http://streamserver" first, and then play the file
> with mplayer, everything sounds OK.
> But when i run "mplayer http://streamserver", then the mp3 errors occur,
> and the playback is broken. There is some very strange thing going on here!
> But in contrary to Adrian, i don't think that this is a IO scheduling or
> real-time problem. The mp3stream is seriously broken - the playback is
> not only paused, because data hasn't arrived in time - the mp3stream is
> full of damaged mp3 frames, as the error messages by mplayer indicate.

Well, find some examples of where this is actually happening, complete
with wireshark, and dump into the squid bugzilla so people don't forget.


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Received on Sat May 17 2008 - 19:44:58 MDT

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