Re: SquidShell,any ideas/suggestions?

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:02:38 +1200

 On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 14:18:21 -0600, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 08/10/2011 10:15 AM, Arthur Tumanyan wrote:
>> Hi dear developers.I want to inform you,that i'm trying to realize
>> something
>> like shell specially for will be squid full control tool
>> via
>> command line.SquidShell will be a part of squid and will listen a
>> specified
>> port for incoming connections.
>> If there are any suggestions or advices or something else,please
>> feel free
>> to inform me.
> Currently, cache manager serves a similar function via HTTP, but with
> a
> very small set of available commands. I would recommend considering
> implementing your CLI "shell" as a program that communicates with
> Squid
> via cache manager interface (you can add new commands to cache
> manager
> as needed). In other words, your CLI program will translate user
> shell-like input into cache manager requests and then display
> possibly
> preprocessed results.
> This way, you will allow remote Squid management via CLI, will not
> have
> to redo Squid management access controls, and enhance Squid cache
> manager for everybody to enjoy.

 I was thinking something very similar. But a but more seamless than the
 HTTP interface to cache manager allows.

 Consider connecting to the coordinator IPC channel (UDS socket
 $PREFIX/var/run/squid/coordinator.ipc) when it is available. That way
 the manger actions can be sent in a pre-processed format for faster

 This can be used as if it was internal to squid but not built into the
 main binary footprint.

 NP: we don't (yet) open the coordinator IPC channel in non-SMP squid.
 But SMP seems stable enough that we can start encouraging it. I see no
 reason we can't always open that channel for access if it will provide
 extra useful functionality.

  You may have seen the manager changes recently to add http:// access
 directly to the reports. This is the first steps of providing an
 interactive AJAX based web-frontend to the cache manager. We have a few
 problems left to be resolved, but none which will affect a shell.

Received on Thu Aug 11 2011 - 00:02:45 MDT

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