Default parent with fault tollerance

From: Federico Giannici <>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 18:30:48 +0200

I'm new to Squid.

I have to configure Squid so that by default almost all requests are
forwarded to a parent proxy server that doesn't use ICP (Netscape
Proxy). Instead all request for the italian domains should be sent
directly to the original server.

I have obtained this with the following two lines:

cache_host parent 8080 7 no-query default
inside_firewall .it

The problem here is that if the goes down no
connection is possible with any host outside of italy.

Moreover, the has UDP port 7 disabled, so Squid
cannot use it to check host's reachability. I have tried to compile
Squid with the USE_ICMP option, but it seems not to work (I always got

What solutions are available?

   |ederico Giannici

        Amministratore unico - NEOMEDIA sas
Received on Sun Mar 29 1998 - 08:32:11 MST

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