Re: OFF-TOPIC: Help on script

From: Peter C. Norton <>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 03:00:13 -0400

On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 04:42:40PM +1000, Nottingham, Mark (Australia) wrote:
> *evil grin*
> But what about country-code domains? i.e.,,
What're they :) OK, OK, let's try again.

Let's see... 1 intermediary file should do fine. .mil should be grouped
with the other nation's TLD's since you get and, etc.
Really, it's debateable that .edu should be in that group as well, since
its usually be department that you think about colleges. Anyway, I'm
just going to stick with the current NSI-run TLD's as the basis for my

cat file | grep -v 'TCP_DENIED' | awk '{print $7}' | \
  cut -d'/' -f3 | rev > /tmp/stage1

( egrep '^moc|^ten|^gro|^ude' /tmp/stage1 | \
    cut -d'.' -f1-2; \
   egrep -v '^moc|^ten|^gro|^ude' /tmp/stage1 | cut -d'.' -f1-3) | \
  sort | uniq | rev > outfile
rm /tmp/stage1

taa-daa. Still shorter, I think :)

Peter C. Norton                      Time comes into it. / Say it.  Say it.                   | The Universe is made of stories,           | not of atoms. 
                                     Muriel Rukeyser "The Speed of Darknesss"
Received on Mon Oct 05 1998 - 00:01:18 MDT

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