Re: HTTP Code 304 Question

From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 16:10:39 +0100

RZ Dietmar Rahlfs wrote:
> Hello Squid Users,
> Code 304 "Not modified" appears in combination with

User pushed reload. Clients cached copy is up to date.


Cache hit. Clients cached copy is up to date with respect
to the copy cached by Squid.


Client aborted while we were sending the reply to it.
Clients cached copy is up to date.


Squid validated it's cached object. Clients and Squids
cached copy is up to date.

> Does 304+DIRECT mean: Request from the Squid cache to the
> original server, and NONE: No request to the original
> server?

Yep. But if you are in a hierarcy then other combinations than
DIRECT/NONE are possible.

TCP_HIT and TCP_IMS_HIT are plain cache hits.

TCP_REFRESH_HIT are a cache hit where Squid validated it's cached object
at the origin server or next level cache and the server replied with a
304 "Not modified" reply.

TCP_REFRESH_MISS are when Squid validated it's cached object and the
server replied with a new object. Cache miss.

> In which of the four cases does the Squid cache or the
> original server deliver the object data (in none, RFC
> 2068 seems to say: no message body; but perhaps that
> refers only to the Squid cache to original server
> relation...?).

None. In all cases the client has a up to date copy.

> What means then "HIT"? I thought: fetched from the Squid
> cache.

It does, except that the 304 reply does not contain any data..

TCP_REFRESH_HIT is a exception. Here Squid has contacted the origin
server to check if the object has changed, and the server replied with a
304 reply indicating that the object has not changed yet.

> What is then TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH? I mean: the client (=browser?)
> wants an up-to-date object, the squid server then requests
> the original server which says: "The object is up-to-date", without
> delivering the object data.

TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH is a user-initiated forced revalidation of the cache.
If it is a 304 reply then the object has not changed and no data is

> Who has the object data? The client? Then there is no need for Squid
> to fetch the object from the cache --> no HIT.

The client has the data in all four cases. Otherwise there would not be
a 304 reply sent to the client.

TCP_REFRESH_HIT is a 304 reply from the origin server to Squid.

> So it seems that only if the client has the object data,
> the combination 304 "Not modified" and TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH
> ("no-cache pragma") makes sense. Is this right?


> The combination 304, TCP_REFRESH_HIT and DIRECT: Does it mean
> that an up-to-date object was fetched from the Squid cache
> after the Squid cache has asked the original server (DIRECT)
> if the object data are up-to-date?


Henrik Nordstrom
Spare time Squid hacker
Received on Sat Oct 31 1998 - 08:46:48 MST

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