From: Lincoln Dale <>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 09:38:31 +1100

At 11:24 30/11/99 -0500, Chris Conn wrote:
>I have an experimental Squid box (2.2S5) and I was looking into trying
>out WCCP with my Cisco router. I am going to get some spare ethernet
>ports for my router, so I thought I could plug a reverse cable from the
>router to the squid box. My questions are:
>- is it worth it? Does anybody see an improvement/advantage of using

WCCP allows transparent cache interception in a manner that can only ever
be fault-tolerant(*).

[(*) it does rely on the cache to 'stop' participating in WCCP 'hello'
messages. this is not normally hard to do in software design, but i
haven't actually looked at squid's source code to confirm it functions in
this manner -- but i'm sure it does.
its intrinsicly defined if the cache crashes.

>- is it fault tolerant? If squid crashes, if the box crashes, does it

yes. it will, however, take up to 25 seconds for traffic to be diverted.

>Squid box is PIII-500 with 512Mb RAM, 18GIG Ultra2-LVD. Router is 3640
>IOS 12.0.5T2 with 80Mb RAM.



   Lincoln Dale           Content Switching          Cisco Systems Inc.        |         |
                                                    ||        ||
   +1 (408) 525-1274      bldg M, 170 West Tasman  ||||      ||||
   +61 (3) 9269-4200 <<   San Jose CA 95134    ..:||||||:..:||||||:..
Received on Tue Nov 30 1999 - 15:58:45 MST

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