Re: memory question

From: Bert Driehuis <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 04:21:43 +0200 (CEST)

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Ryder Saint wrote:

> I have a very stable little squid box going here with 5GB hard and 256mb
> on a pent III 500.
> What I wanted to know is I have set the cache memory to 30mb and I am
> getting an average of 41% hit should now up the cache memory a little or
> should I just be happy with what I have got

Well, the cache_mem is just what's set aside for "hot" objects (requested
often, or actually in the process of being downloaded). Squid uses more
memory than just cache_mem, in particular: there's a direct relation
between the size of your disk cache and Squids memory consumption.

I would not expect your hit rate to be affected by increasing cache_mem.
If you set cache_mem too high, it may cause your system to start swapping
which will impact performance. Besides, cache_mem suffers heavily from the
law of diminishing returns. Only if you have plenty of free RAM, zero
pages in use in the swap file, and users who make a habit of downloading
files larger than 30MB would it make any difference.

41% URL hit rate is between normal and good.

So, sit back, relax, and watch the blinkenlights!


                                        -- Bert

Bert Driehuis, MIS -- -- +31-20-3116119
This is not legal advise. See your physician if symptoms persist.
Received on Fri Jun 09 2000 - 20:26:00 MDT

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