Re: [squid-users] load balancing

From: Jeff Donovan <>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 10:02:27 -0400

On Aug 2, 2004, at 9:25 AM, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Jeff Donovan wrote:
>> I'm running a transparent cache with squid guard. My problem seems to
>> be How do I split my traffic?
> This you do in your router in case of transparently intercepting
> proxies..
> If you are not using a TCP interception device capable of tracking
> individual connections then this is most easily done by splitting the
> destination IP address space among the caches. CARP does so
> automatically
> for you.
>> or how do i create a failover if one squid server becomes to busy?
> best done by an external load balancer. Linux Virtual Server is a good
> free one, highend routers & switches usually also have reasonable load
> balancing functions built in.

would this be a placed on a linux server in front of the two cache's or
does it run on the same device as squid?

Unfortunately my layer 3 switch does not allow for multiple default
routes or even a policy route. Otherwise i would have just routed my
traffic to the new interface.
jeff donovan
basd network operations
(610) 807 5571 x41
AIM xtdonovan
Received on Mon Aug 02 2004 - 08:02:28 MDT

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