[squid-users] Squid & CARP

From: Scott Phalen <scott@dont-contact.us>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 09:07:47 -0600

I am running Squid2.5STABLE6 on RedHat AS2.1 and ES3.0. I am trying to use
CARP to load balance my traffic. I am looking for advice from the Gurus. I
bought the book and have read the FAQs, but if anyone has some pointers it
would be great. Below is a description of my set-up.

                             | ------ squid2 ---- |
Clients -----> squid1 ------| | ----- Internet
                             | ------ squid3 ---- |

I have cache_peer directives for squid2 and squid3 (both parents) in the
squid1.conf. cache_peer_access is set up to allow "all" to access squid2
and squid3. For the most part it seems to be working. But what I am seeing
in my access.log on squid is both squid2 and squid3 are sending queries back
to squid1 (causing a loop). How can I tell squid2 and squid3 to not query

Squid2 and squid3 configs are configured to use each other as siblings. Is
this the correct way? Or should they be parents to each other?

The reason for squid1... I redirect all HTTP traffic via WCCP so squid1 is
attempting to act as a redirector only. No caching. Any advice would be
greatly appreciated!

Scott Phalen
Received on Sat Dec 11 2004 - 08:09:44 MST

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