Re: [squid-users] LVS & Reverse Proxy Squid

From: Ding Deng <>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:56:36 +0800

David Lawson <> writes:

>> You need as many public addresses as number of Squid instances you'd
>> like to run in a single box, and configure each instance to listen on
>> a different public address, e.g.:
> This is untrue in an LVS environment, though true if the Squids are
> bare on the network. In the case where you're load balancing with

I have to admit that I am in a setup that LVS routes traffic to Squid
boxes through private network, and Squid response directly to clients

> LVS, the simplest way to achieve this is to have each squid instance
> simply listen on a unique port. Instance A on port 80, Instance B on
> port 81, etc. The set up the LVS VIPs and RIPs to direct traffic
> appropriately.
Received on Tue Sep 18 2007 - 23:56:56 MDT

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