Re: [squid-users] What's missing from 2.6 for full HTTP/1.1 support?

From: Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães <>
Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 06:44:42 -0300

Adrian Chadd escreveu:
> On Fri, May 16, 2008, Chris Woodfield wrote:
>> So the question I have is - what exactly is missing from squid 2.6
>> that prevents full HTTP/1.1 support? I know this is a milestone goal,
>> but I'm curious where the code is today (vs., say, where is in 3.0,
>> and planned future versions).
> I'd start by saying "move to Squid-2.7" before thinking about HTTP/1.1
> if you wanted to stay in the -2 train.

    dumb question ..... the HTTP/1.1 support which seems to being
developed on squid-2.7 branch will be released on a 2.7 stable release
or it's going to be on a 3.0 stable update ?

    or the full 1.1 support is not that near, maybe for a 3.1 branch ?

	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia
	Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
	My SPAMTRAP, do not email it
Received on Sat May 17 2008 - 09:45:08 MDT

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