Re: [squid-users] Reverse proxy routing ACL definitions

From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 20:02:22 +0200

tis 2009-09-15 klockan 13:29 +0200 skrev Tobias Reckhard:
> The problem I've got is that I don't know how to extend the Squid
> configuration to redirect any requests to
> to the other back-end server. I've
> tried a url_regex ACL and tying that to a second cache_peer, but it's
> not working. Is the problem that "" is
> encompassed by the dstdomain ACL above? If so, can I somehow
> prioritise
> ACLs or cache_peer statements in a fashion similar to http_access?

Yes, it's exactly the same as http_access, but per cache_peer, filtering
what may or may not be sent to that peer.

cache_peer .... originserver name=apache
cache_peer .... originserver name=glassfish

acl somesite dstdomain
acl glasspath url_regex ^/somepath

cache_peer_access apache deny glasspath
cache_peer_access apache allow somesite

cache_peer_access glassfish allow somesite glasspath

Received on Tue Sep 15 2009 - 18:02:27 MDT

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