Re: Fwd: [squid-users] Request Entity Too Large Error in Squid Reverse Proxy

From: Robert Cicerelli <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:09:46 -0400

On 8/13/2014 7:22 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 13/08/2014 10:29 p.m., Robert Cicerelli wrote:
>> Can anyone offer some help on this?
>> I'm having a problem that just started after I implemented squid reverse
>> proxy. I have a couple of applications on one of the apache servers
>> behind the reverse proxy. Every time someone tries to upload relatively
>> large files to the application (7 MB, 30 MB), they get the following error:
>> Request Entity Too Large
>> If I try to perform the same operation without going through the squid
>> reverse proxy, the uploads work with no problems.
>> I'm using proxy 3.1.20
>> <>
>> on pfsense. I tried posting this issue on the pfsense support forums and
>> I have gotten zero replies so I'm trying the squid mailing list. The
>> situation has become a big problem so I would appreciate some help on this.
>> A few parameters I've adjusted to various values with no success:
>> Minimum object size
>> Maximum object size
>> Memory cache size
>> Maximum download size
>> Maximum upload size
>> Thanks a lot
> Can you provide a sample of the request HTTP headers being sent to Squid
> for one of these failed uploads?
> Amos
I hope this is what you are looking for:


Connection: keep-alive

Content-Length: 2085564

Cache-Control: max-age=0



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36

Content-Type: multipart/form-data;


2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Host:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Host:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f820: 'Host :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 26 at 0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Connection:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Connection: keep-alive'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f360: 'Connection
: keep-alive
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 9 at 1
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Content-Length:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Content-Length: 2085564'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f460:
'Content-Length : 2085564
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 14 at 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Cache-Control:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Cache-Control: max-age=0'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f200:
'Cache-Control : max-age=0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 8 at 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Accept:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Accept:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f660: 'Accept :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 0 at 4
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Origin:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Origin:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f3e0: 'Origin :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 73 at 5
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f140: 'User-Agent
: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 58 at 6
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Content-Type:
multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryNg9SBUsDeAOqgB09'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Content-Type:
multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryNg9SBUsDeAOqgB09'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f340:
'Content-Type : multipart/form-data;
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 18 at 7
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Referer:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Referer:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05b60: 'Referer :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 46 at 8
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Accept-Encoding:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Accept-Encoding:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f6c0:
'Accept-Encoding : gzip,deflate,sdch
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 2 at 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Accept-Language:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Accept-Language:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05da0:
'Accept-Language : en-US,en;q=0.8
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 3 at 10
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Cookie:
CFID=1930f4e2-2d54-4737-9c0f-431351eca213; CFTOKEN=0'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Cookie:
CFID=1930f4e2-2d54-4737-9c0f-431351eca213; CFTOKEN=0'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f2e0: 'Cookie :
CFID=1930f4e2-2d54-4737-9c0f-431351eca213; CFTOKEN=0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c adding entry: 19 at 11
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 54
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c joining for id 8
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c: joined for id 8: 0xbfbfe8f0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 54
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 24
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 41
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0cjoining for id 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.553| 0x2878ca0c: joined for id 9: keep-alive
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 66
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 37
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c del-by-id 44
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c del-by-id 45
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 7
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 7
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 40
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 60
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x2878ca0c lookup for 66
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| init-ing hdr: 0x28ea6fcc owner: 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 41
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.554| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 23
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| init-ing hdr: 0x2878d60c owner: 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| init-ing hdr: 0xbfbe901c owner: 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0x2878ca0cjoining for id 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0x2878ca0c: joined for id 9: keep-alive
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05a00: 'Host :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 26 at 0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05e20:
'Content-Length : 2085564
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 14 at 1
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f160: 'Accept :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 0 at 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05ce0: 'Origin :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 73 at 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3ffc0: 'User-Agent
: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 58 at 4
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f220:
'Content-Type : multipart/form-data;
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 18 at 5
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f680: 'Referer :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 46 at 6
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f5e0:
'Accept-Encoding : gzip,deflate,sdch
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 2 at 7
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f1e0:
'Accept-Language : en-US,en;q=0.8
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 3 at 8
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f640: 'Cookie :
CFID=1930f4e2-2d54-4737-9c0f-431351eca213; CFTOKEN=0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 19 at 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0x2878ca0cjoining for id 60
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f740: 'Via : 1.1
localhost (squid/3.1.22)
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 60 at 10
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| 0x2878ca0cjoining for id 66
2014/08/13 09:06:14.556| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f6a0:
'X-Forwarded-For :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 66 at 11
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c lookup for 26
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c lookup for 7
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c lookup for 40
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c lookup for 7
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0x2878ca0c joining for id 8
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0x2878ca0c: joined for id 8: 0xbfbe8d80
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c del-by-id 8
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f2e0:
'Cache-Control : max-age=0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 8 at 12
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f1a0: 'Connection
: keep-alive
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 9 at 13
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05dc0:
'Front-End-Https : On
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c adding entry: 72 at 14
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| 0xbfbe901c lookup for 7
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| packing hdr: (0xbfbe901c)
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| cleaning hdr: 0xbfbe901c owner: 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f05a00: 'Host:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f05e20: 'Content-Length:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f4f160: 'Accept:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f05ce0: 'Origin:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f3ffc0: 'User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f4f220: 'Content-Type:
multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryNg9SBUsDeAOqgB09'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f4f680: 'Referer:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f3f5e0: 'Accept-Encoding:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f4f1e0: 'Accept-Language:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f3f640: 'Cookie:
CFID=1930f4e2-2d54-4737-9c0f-431351eca213; CFTOKEN=0'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f3f740: 'Via: 1.1
localhost (squid/3.1.22)'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f3f6a0: 'X-Forwarded-For:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f3f2e0: 'Cache-Control:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f4f1a0: 'Connection:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| destroying entry 0x28f05dc0: 'Front-End-Https: On'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.557| cleaning hdr: 0xbfbe901c owner: 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| ctx: enter level 0:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| init-ing hdr: 0x28f9160c owner: 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| 0x28f9160c lookup for 41
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| 0x28f9160c lookup for 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| 0x28f9160c lookup for 23
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsing hdr: (0x28f9160c)
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:04:08 GMT

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Encoding: gzip

Content-Length: 311

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Date: Wed, 13
Aug 2014 13:04:08 GMT'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014
13:04:08 GMT'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05dc0: 'Date :
Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:04:08 GMT
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| 0x28f9160c adding entry: 21 at 0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Vary:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Vary: Accept-Encoding'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f1a0: 'Vary :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| 0x28f9160c adding entry: 59 at 1
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near
'Content-Encoding: gzip'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Content-Encoding: gzip'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f2e0:
'Content-Encoding : gzip
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| 0x28f9160c adding entry: 12 at 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Content-Length: 311'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Content-Length: 311'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.956| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f6a0:
'Content-Length : 311
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c adding entry: 14 at 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Connection: close'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Connection: close'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f740: 'Connection
: close
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c adding entry: 9 at 4
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near 'Content-Type:
text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| parsed HttpHeaderEntry: 'Content-Type:
text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f640:
'Content-Type : text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c adding entry: 18 at 5
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 54
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 41
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160cjoining for id 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c: joined for id 9: close
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 23
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c joining for id 61
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 54
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| ctx: exit level 0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| cleaning hdr: 0x28ea6fcc owner: 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| cleaning hdr: 0x28ea6fcc owner: 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| packing hdr: (0x28f9160c)
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| ctx: enter level 0:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 59
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160cjoining for id 59
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c: joined for id 59: Accept-Encoding
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x2878ca0cjoining for id 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x2878ca0c: joined for id 2: gzip,deflate,sdch
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 37
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| ctx: exit level 0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 54
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| init-ing hdr: 0x28ea6fcc owner: 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 41
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 23
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| appending hdr: 0x28ea6fcc += 0x28f9160c
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f1e0: 'Date :
Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:04:08 GMT
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 21 at 0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3f5e0: 'Vary :
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 59 at 1
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f680:
'Content-Encoding : gzip
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 12 at 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f220:
'Content-Length : 311
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 14 at 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3ffc0: 'Connection
: close
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 9 at 4
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05ce0:
'Content-Type : text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 18 at 5
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 41
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fccjoining for id 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc: joined for id 9: close
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 23
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc joining for id 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc: joined for id 9: 0xbfbfe688
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| destroying entry 0x28f3ffc0: 'Connection: close'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 21
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc lookup for 62
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f3ffc0: 'X-Cache :
MISS from localhost
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 64 at 6
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f4f160:
'X-Cache-Lookup : MISS from localhost:3128
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 65 at 7
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc joining for id 60
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc del-by-id 60
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05e20: 'Via : 1.0
localhost (squid/3.1.22)
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 60 at 8
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| created HttpHeaderEntry 0x28f05a00: 'Connection
: keep-alive
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28ea6fcc adding entry: 9 at 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| packing hdr: (0x28ea6fcc)
2014/08/13 09:06:14.957| 0x28f9160c lookup for 54
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| 0x28f9160c lookup for 54
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| 0x28f9160c lookup for 54
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| 0x28f9160c lookup for 41
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| 0x28f9160c lookup for 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| 0x28f9160cjoining for id 9
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| 0x28f9160c: joined for id 9: close
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| cleaning hdr: 0x2878d60c owner: 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| cleaning hdr: 0x2878d60c owner: 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| ctx: enter level 0:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| cleaning hdr: 0x28f9160c owner: 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f05dc0: 'Date: Wed, 13 Aug
2014 13:04:08 GMT'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f1a0: 'Vary:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f2e0: 'Content-Encoding:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f6a0: 'Content-Length: 311'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f740: 'Connection: close'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f640: 'Content-Type:
text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| cleaning hdr: 0x28f9160c owner: 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| cleaning hdr: 0x2878ca0c owner: 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f820: 'Host:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f360: 'Connection:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f460: 'Content-Length:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f200: 'Cache-Control:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f660: 'Accept:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f3e0: 'Origin:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f140: 'User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f340: 'Content-Type:
multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryNg9SBUsDeAOqgB09'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f05b60: 'Referer:'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f6c0: 'Accept-Encoding:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f05da0: 'Accept-Language:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f2e0: 'Cookie:
CFID=1930f4e2-2d54-4737-9c0f-431351eca213; CFTOKEN=0'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| cleaning hdr: 0x2878ca0c owner: 2
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| ctx: exit level 0
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| cleaning hdr: 0x28ea6fcc owner: 3
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f1e0: 'Date: Wed, 13 Aug
2014 13:04:08 GMT'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3f5e0: 'Vary:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f680: 'Content-Encoding:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f220: 'Content-Length: 311'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f05ce0: 'Content-Type:
text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f3ffc0: 'X-Cache: MISS
from localhost'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f4f160: 'X-Cache-Lookup:
MISS from localhost:3128'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f05e20: 'Via: 1.0
localhost (squid/3.1.22)'
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| destroying entry 0x28f05a00: 'Connection:
2014/08/13 09:06:14.958| cleaning hdr: 0x28ea6fcc owner: 3
Received on Wed Aug 13 2014 - 13:09:57 MDT

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.2.0 : Thu Aug 14 2014 - 12:00:05 MDT