Re: [PATCH] Configurable SSL error details messages

From: Tsantilas Christos <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 00:17:09 +0300

   I create a small script which reads the error-detail.txt file and
prints in stdout a .po file. I am attaching the script and an
error-detail.txt file for testing.

This simple script reads records like the following from
error-detail.txt file:
  detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject"
  descr: "Authority and subject key identifier mismatch"

And produces the following output (it produces two records one for
detail one for descr):
#: error-details.txt+X509_V_ERR_AKID_SKID_MISMATCH.detail:115
msgid "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject"
msgstr "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject"

#: error-details.txt+X509_V_ERR_AKID_SKID_MISMATCH.descr:115
msgid "Authority and subject key identifier mismatch"
msgstr "Authority and subject key identifier mismatch"

In the case the input record has multi-lined "detail" or "descr" fields
like the following:

detail: "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject"
descr: "Key usage does not include
  certificate signing"

the script produces msgstr fields with "\n" character to represent newlines:

  #: error-details.txt+X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN.detail:124
msgid "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject"
msgstr "%ssl_error_descr: %ssl_subject"

#: error-details.txt+X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN.descr:124
msgid "Key usage does not include\n certificate signing"
msgstr "Key usage does not include\n certificate signing"

 From what I can understand a translator will use a program like the
poedit to read the above output and produce a new file for a language.
For example the error-details.txt.el.po file.
My question is, how this new file will be converted to an
error-detail.txt file? Do we need a new script which does the conversion
from msgid/msgstr records to error-detail.txt records?


On 05/23/2011 02:50 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 23/05/11 19:43, Tsantilas Christos wrote:
>> On 05/22/2011 06:28 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>>>> I believe It is easy to create a perl script which creates (or add
>>>> to an
>>>> existing) the above po file.
>>> ....
>>> Christos:
>>> I would like to ensure that we have a converter able to make this file
>>> translatable before it goes too far though.
>> Is it important? I am trying to imagine possible translations in greek.
>> For most of the SSL errors details the translation will be more
>> confusing than helping.
>> Configuring the SSL error details messages has sense in cases where the
>> cache administrator wants to provide more comments or informations about
>> an error, for example "... this is mean ... so for your safety ... blah
>> blah blah"
> It was the whole point of this feature I thought.
> The raw detail is unfriendly in any language. The point of translation
> is that non-English readers find the English version particularly bad to
> understand.
> We are free to re-phrase the jargon into something the users viewing it
> are likely to understand for our distributed default.
> Amos

Received on Wed Jun 15 2011 - 21:17:28 MDT

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