FAQ ? and answer to newuser question

From: Cord Beermann, Webmaster der FH Lippe <webadm@dont-contact.us>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 22:01:56 +0200 (MET DST)

Hallo! Du (Dave Behr) hast geschrieben:

>I have just started using squid v1.0.12 on Slackware Linux v3, kernel 1.2.13
>I am looking for more info on setting squid.conf up and what values I should
>use for some of the options. Does anyone know where I can get this, other
>than what comes with squid.

I don't know.

I know that there are plans to build a manpage, a FAQ and a
documentation for Squid (see 'volunteers wanted' on the Squid
Homepage, but it seems to me that those activities don't go forward.
It would be nice, if those people who volunteered for that, point
out how things go.


>One question I have is what is the difference between a neigbour or parent
>proxy. Please forgive me if this info is obvious or available elsewhere - I
>have had a look through the archive of this list.

If you have neighbors and parents on your squid, and send a request
to it, which is not yet in the local cache, then UDP-Requests are
send out to the neighbors AND parents, to find out if those squids
have the requested object in their cache.

The fastest of the parents and neighbors that replies 'Yes, i have
it' gets a request to send it (in the current versions of squid
there is also the possibility to send the document direct in the UDP
'Yes, I have it'-Reply.

If none of the Neighbors and Parents have the object, the fastest
parent (this is calculated with RTT/weight-factor (weight-factor is
1 if not set or less than 1)) is queried for the object.


Cord Beermann, Webmaster der FH Lippe
webmaster@www.fh-lippe.de | http://www.fh-lippe.de/people/webadm/
Received on Mon Sep 09 1996 - 13:04:08 MDT

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