No peers to query???

From: kellermann <>
Date: 10 Jul 1997 15:53:13 +0200


We are using squid to get access to the Internet through a
firewall ;-)

Let me show you how:


                      -----------I FW1 I-------------


                      -----------I FW2 I--------------


FW1= Firewall + WWW Proxy for Internet-Acess (cern httpd)


If someone wants to get access to the Internet, you have to
use FW1.
(You are registred in an ACL)

We registred our Proxy (FW2) in this list. Then we set up
an own ACL
with Clients inside the LAN, which are allowed to internet

We set up squid to use FW1 as a default parent.

cache_host FW1 parent 8080 7 default no-query
single_parent_bypass on
inside_firewall our.lan

This works well.

Now the problem:

Sometimes I get the following message:



The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

Unable to Retrieve

The system returned:

    No peers to query and the host is beyond your firewall.

The cache administrator may need to double-check the cache

This means that:

    The requested URL can not currently be retrieved.

Generated by squid/


The FW1 is NOT! unreachable, when I get this message.
Squid is running on an Intel Caldera Open Linux (Kernel
Clients are the M$ IE 3.0 and Netscape Communicator.

Any ideas???

     Joern Kellermann
Received on Thu Jul 10 1997 - 07:26:19 MDT

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