Re: [squid-users] cache only certain files?

From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 23:31:49 +0200

tis 2008-05-27 klockan 17:28 +0200 skrev Anton Melser:
> the functionality provided by the application, or just cache a few,
> highly visited pages. So what I need is to be able to do is like you
> can with mod_cache, i.e.,
> CacheEnable disk /these/pages
> CacheEnable disk /those/pages/there

acl cachable_pages urlpath_regex ^/these/pages
acl cachable_pages urlpath_regex ^/these/other/pages
cache allow cachable_pages

But the content must also be cachable for this to have any effect at
all. The default is "cache allow all" which enables caching of all
cachable content.

If you also need to work around server responses which is indicated not
cachable then you need to play a bit with the refresh_pattern directive
to override what the server says, or fix the application to return good
Cache-Control headers.

Received on Tue May 27 2008 - 21:32:08 MDT

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