RE: [squid-users] filtering based on google search

From: michael hiatt <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 17:40:29 +1100

I would like to be shown how to block OR allow (I'm not fussed either way, I beleive I can transpose the answer to what I want to do) based upon a google search query (submitted by the user). The key here being the google search term i want to be able create an ACL for. Not just the google web-site.
So going forth with the blacklist-whitelist example (the further complicated one), how would I achieve a pattern that matches and allows "pirates of penzance" but denies occurences of "pirate"?
I have read through the FAQ but I don't believe this exact scenario is covered in depth.
Also to show I have tried, I have come up with a url_regex pattern in my file like so:
It would be much better though if I could make this a bit more semantic by including the google domain in there and being able to include spaces in the pattern.
Any further help would be great.

> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 19:18:48 +1300
> From:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] filtering based on google search
> michael hiatt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just wondering if there is a way of getting squid to block or allow based on google search results.
> That sentence makes no sense to me whatsoever. Can you explain it a bit?
> What are you intending to get out of it?
>> I have tried setting two
>> url_regex -i "file/path/goes/here"
>> one for allowed and one for blocked.
>> if
>> I set to be allowed then unwanted words can be
>> searched and their results displayed. Clicking on said results displays
>> error/blocked page.
>> If I remove then I can't search on some words that I want.
>> Example:
>> I would like to search on "pirates of penzance" but cannot because "pirate" is a keyword in my block list.
>> Is
>> there a better way around this? I don't want to (and can't) install
>> other software like squid-guard and dans guardian. I'm hoping to do
>> this in squid alone.
> You describe a perfectly working URL keyword filter.
> - whitelisting "" ... allows *ALL* of
> - blacklisting *pirate* ... blocks *ALL* mentions of "pirate" in URL
> (including google lookup URLs, result URLs, etc)
> Your choices are:
> * accept the price of keyword filtering URLs.
> * stop using the filter.
> * complicate your config further with a set of
> whitelisted-blacklisted keywords based on other things (like your
> example).
> see FAQ on managing ACLs...
> Amos
> --
> Please be using
> Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE20
> Current Beta Squid

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