Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 C_devpoll_stateCurrent state
 CAccessLogEntry::AdaptationDetailsThis subclass holds general adaptation log info. TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside
 CAccessLogEntry::CacheDetailsThis subclass holds log info for Squid internal stats TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside TODO: some details relevant to particular protocols need shuffling to other sub-classes TODO: this object field need renaming to 'squid' or something
 CAccessLogEntry::HeadersThis subclass holds log info for various headers in raw format TODO: shuffle this to the relevant protocol section
 CAccessLogEntry::HtcpDetailsThis subclass holds log info for HTCP protocol TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside
 CAccessLogEntry::HttpDetailsThis subclass holds log info for HTTP protocol TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside TODO: details of HTTP held in the parent class need moving into here
 CAccessLogEntry::IcapLogEntryThis subclass holds log info for ICAP part of request TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside
 CAccessLogEntry::IcpDetailsThis subclass holds log info for ICP protocol TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside
 CAccessLogEntry::SslDetailsLogging information specific to the SSL protocol
 CAcl::AddressList of address-based ACLs
 CAcl::ChecklistFillerInterface for those capable of configuring an ACLFilledChecklist object
 CAcl::OptionA single option supported by an ACL: -x[=value] or –name[=value]
 CAcl::OptionExtractorLow-level parser that extracts but does not interpret ACL options
 CAcl::OptionsParserParses/validates/stores ACL options; skips/preserves parameter flags
 CAcl::OptionValue< Value >Stores configuration of a typical boolean flag or a single-value Option
 CAcl::TypeNameCmpACL type name comparison functor
 CACLChecklist::BreadcrumbPosition of a child node within an ACL tree
 CACLData< M >Configured ACL parameter(s) (e.g., domain names in dstdomain ACL)
 CACLData< ACLChecklist * >
 CACLData< AnyP::ProtocolType >
 CACLData< char const * >
 CACLData< const Security::CertErrors * >
 CACLData< err_type >
 CACLData< hier_code >
 CACLData< HttpHeader * >
 CACLData< HttpRequestMethod >
 CACLData< int >
 CACLData< Ip::Address >
 CACLData< NotePairs::Entry * >
 CACLData< time_t >
 CACLData< X509 * >
 CACLData< XactionStep >
 CAclDenyInfoListDeny_info representation. Currently a POD
 CAclSizeLimitRepresentation of a class of Size-limit ACLs
 CAdaptation::AnswerSummarizes adaptation service answer for the noteAdaptationAnswer() API
 CAdaptation::DynamicGroupCfgDynamicServiceGroup configuration to remember future dynamic chains
 CAdaptation::History::EntrySingle Xaction stats (i.e., a historical record entry)
 CAdaptation::Icap::TrailerParserParses and stores ICAP trailer header block
 CAdaptation::ServiceFilterInformation used to search for adaptation services
 CAsHex< Integer >Std::ostream manipulator to print integers as hex numbers prefixed by 0x
 CAsList< Container >Std::ostream manipulator to print containers as flat lists
 CAsyncCallback< Answer >Smart AsyncCall pointer for delivery of future results
 CAsyncCallback< DownloaderAnswer >
 CAsyncCallback< HappyConnOpenerAnswer >
 CAsyncCallback< Http::TunnelerAnswer >
 CAsyncCallback< Security::EncryptorAnswer >
 CAsyncCallback< StartListeningAnswer >
 CAuth::CredentialsCacheCache of Auth::User credentials, keyed by Auth::User::userKey
 CAuthorization[Proxy-]Authorization header producer
 CBandwidthBucketBase class for Squid-to-client bandwidth limiting
 CByteCounterCounter for accumulating byte values
 CCachePeersCache_peer configuration storage
 CCallbackDataOld-style void* callback parameter
 CCalledEventHelper for tests - an event which records the number of calls it received
 CCbcPointer< Cbc >
 CCbcPointer< Adaptation::Initiate >
 CCbcPointer< Adaptation::Initiator >
 CCbcPointer< Argument1 >
 CCbcPointer< AsyncJob >
 CCbcPointer< Auth::CredentialsCache >
 CCbcPointer< BodyConsumer >
 CCbcPointer< BodyProducer >
 CCbcPointer< C >
 CCbcPointer< CachePeer >
 CCbcPointer< CbDataList >
 CCbcPointer< ClientHttpRequest >
 CCbcPointer< Comm::ConnOpener >
 CCbcPointer< ConnStateData >
 CCbcPointer< Destination >
 CCbcPointer< Dns::IpReceiver >
 CCbcPointer< Downloader >
 CCbcPointer< ErrorState >
 CCbcPointer< HappyConnOpener >
 CCbcPointer< Http::Tunneler >
 CCbcPointer< Job >
 CCbcPointer< ModXact >
 CCbcPointer< PeerPoolMgr >
 CCbcPointer< PeerSelectionInitiator >
 CCbcPointer< Security::BlindPeerConnector >
 CCbcPointer< Security::PeerConnector >
 CCbcPointer< Ssl::IcapPeerConnector >
 CCbDataList< C >
 CCbDataList< err_type >
 CCbDataList< int >
 CCbDataListContainer< C >
 CCbDataListContainer< err_type >
 CCbDataListIterator< C >
 CCharacterSetOptimized set of C chars, with quick membership test and merge support
 CClpMap< Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy >
 CClpMap< Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy >::EntryKeeper of cache entry Key, Value, and caching-related entry metadata
 CCollapsedForwardingSends and handles collapsed forwarding notifications
 CCollapsedForwardingMsgIPC queue message
 CCollapsingHistoryCollapsed forwarding history of a master transaction
 CComm::ConnOpener::CallsHandles to calls which we may need to cancel
 CComm::IoCallbackDetails about a particular Comm IO callback event
 CComm::TcpKeepAliveConfiguration settings for the TCP keep-alive feature
 CCommandLineManages arguments passed to a program (i.e., main(argc, argv) parameters)
 CCommDialerParamsT< Params_ >
 CCommDialerParamsT< CommAcceptCbParams >
 CCommDialerParamsT< CommCloseCbParams >
 CCommDialerParamsT< CommConnectCbParams >
 CCommDialerParamsT< CommIoCbParams >
 CCommDialerParamsT< CommTimeoutCbParams >
 CCommonNamesPrinterHelper class to print CNs extracted using Ssl::matchX509CommonNames()
 CCompiledDebugMessageFully processed debugs(), ready to be logged
 CConfiguration::Component< T >
 CConnStateData::PinnedIdleContextParameters for the async notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle() call
 CConnStateData::ServerConnectionContextNoteTakeServerConnectionControl() callback parameter
 CCpuAffinityMapStores cpu_affinity_map configuration
 CCpuAffinitySetCpu affinity management for a single process
 CDebug::ContextMeta-information for debugs() or a similar debugging call
 CDebugChannelReceiver of debugs() messages (e.g., stderr or cache.log)
 CDebugChannel::LoggerOutput iterator for writing CompiledDebugMessages to a given channel
 CDebugFileNamed FILE with very-early/late usage safety mechanisms
 CDebugMessageManages configurable aspects of a debugs() message
 CDebugMessageHeaderMeta-information of a Finish()ed debugs() message
 CDebugMessagesCollection of DebugMessage objects (with fast access by message IDs)
 CDelayedUdpSendDelayed icpUdpSend() call
 CDescriptorSetAn unordered collection of unique descriptors with O(1) add/del/has ops
 CDiskdActionDataStore disk daemon stats
 CDiskFile::ConfigGenerally useful configuration options supported by some children
 CDns::CachedIpCachedIps element
 CDns::GoodIpsIteratorIterates over good IPs in CachedIps, starting at the so called current one
 CDns::IpsIteratorIterates over any (good and/or bad) IPs in CachedIps, in unspecified order
 CDns::IpsSelector< Iterator >
 CDns::LookupDetailsEncapsulates DNS lookup results
 CDownloaderAnswerDownload result
 CEnumIteratorBase< EnumType >
 CEnumRangeT< EnumType >
 CErrorTransaction problem
 CErrorDynamicPageInfoError page created from admin-configurable metadata (e.g. deny_info)
 CErrorPage::BuildState and parameters shared by several ErrorState::compile*() methods
 CErrorPage::BuildErrorPrinterPretty-prints error page/deny_info building error
 CFadingCounterCounts events, forgetting old ones. Useful for "3 errors/minute" limits
 CFilePortable locking-aware exception-friendly file (with RAII API)
 CFileOpeningConfigHow should a file be opened/created? Should it be locked?
 CIpc::Mem::FlexibleArray< Ipc::MemMapSlot >
 CIpc::Mem::FlexibleArray< Ipc::QueueReader >
 CIpc::Mem::FlexibleArray< Ipc::StoreMapAnchor >
 CIpc::Mem::FlexibleArray< StoredNode >
 CFormat::TokenTableEntryOne entry in a table of format tokens
 CHappyConnOpener::AttemptConnection opening attempt in progress (or falsy)
 CHappyConnOpenerAnswerFinal result (an open connection or an error) sent to the job initiator
 CHappySpareWaitKeeps track of HappyConnOpener spare track waiting state
 CHardCodedErrorError page (or a part of an error page) with hard-coded template text
 CHardFun< ReturnType, ArgType, fun >
 CHeaderManglersA collection of headerMangler objects for a given message kind
 CHelper::ReservationId(temporary) lock on a (stateful) helper channel
 CHelper::XactionHolds the required data to serve a helper request
 CHttpControlMsgBundles HTTP 1xx reply and the "successfully forwarded" callback
 CHttpHeaderFieldStatPer field statistics. Currently a POD
 CHttpHeaderStatHTTP per header statistics
 CHttpStateData::ReuseDecisionAssists in making and relaying entry caching/sharing decision
 CHttpUpgradeProtocolAccessAllows or blocks HTTP Upgrade protocols (see http_upgrade_request_protocols)
 CHttpUpgradeProtocolAccess::NamedGuardSingle configured access rule for an explicitly named protocol
 CInstanceId< Class, ValueType >
 CInstanceId< AsyncCall >
 CInstanceId< AsyncJob >
 CInstanceId< Comm::Connection, uint64_t >
 CInstanceId< Helper::SessionBase >
 CInstanceId< idns_query >
 CInstanceId< Ipc::QueueReader >
 CInstanceId< MasterXaction, uint64_t >
 CInstanceId< MemBlob >
 CInstanceId< PeerSelector >
 CInstanceId< SBuf >
 CIoResult< RT >
 CIoStatsIO statistics. Currently a POD
 CIp::NfMarkConfigNetfilter mark/mask pair
 CIpc::FewToFewBiQueue::MetadataShared metadata for FewToFewBiQueue
 CIpc::Mem::FlexibleArray< Item >
 CIpc::Mem::IdSetShareable set of positive uint32_t IDs with O(1) insertion/removal ops
 CIpc::Mem::IdSetInnerNodeHelper class to perform inner node manipulation for IdSet
 CIpc::Mem::IdSetMeasurementsBasic IdSet storage parameters, extracted here to keep them constant
 CIpc::Mem::Owner< Class >
 CIpc::Mem::PageIdShared memory page identifier, address, or handler
 CIpc::Mem::PageStack::ConfigPageStack construction and SharedMemorySize calculation parameters
 CIpc::Mem::SegmentPOSIX shared memory segment
 CIpc::MemMapA map of MemMapSlots indexed by their keys, with read/write slot locking
 CIpc::MemMap::SharedData shared across maps in different processes
 CIpc::MemMapCleanerAPI for adjusting external state when dirty map slot is being freed
 CIpc::MemMapSlotMemMap basic element, holding basic shareable memory block info
 CIpc::MultiQueue::MetadataShared metadata for MultiQueue
 CIpc::OneToOneUniQueuesShared array of OneToOneUniQueues
 CIpc::OpenListenerParams"shared listen" is when concurrent processes are listening on the same fd
 CIpc::QueueReadersShared array of QueueReaders
 CIpc::ReadWriteLockStatsApproximate stats of a set of ReadWriteLocks
 CIpc::SharedListenRequestRequest for a listen socket with given parameters
 CIpc::SharedListenResponseResponse to SharedListenRequest
 CIpc::StartListeningAnswerStartListening() result
 CIpc::StoreMap::OwnerAggregates anchor and slice owners for Init() caller convenience
 CIpc::StoreMapCleanerAPI for adjusting external state when dirty map slice is being freed
 CIpc::StoreMapItems< C >
 CIpc::StoreMapUpdateAggregates information required for updating entry metadata and headers
 CIpc::StoreMapUpdate::EditionDuring an update, the stored entry has two editions: stale and fresh
 CIpc::StrandCoordStrand location details
 CIpc::StrandMessageIPC message carrying StrandCoord
 CIpc::StrandSearchRequestAsynchronous strand search request
 CIpCacheLookupForwarderForwards non-blocking IP cache lookup results to either IPH or IpReciever
 CIpCacheLookupForwarder::firstLookupStartTime of the idnsALookup() call
 CIpCacheLookupForwarder::lastLookupEndTime of the last noteLookup() call
 CIpcIoMsgConverts DiskIO requests to IPC queue messages
 CIpcIoPendingRequestKeeps original I/O request parameters while disker is handling the request
 CKidsCollection of kids
 CSecurity::LockingPointer< DH, DH_free_cpp, HardFun< int, DH *, DH_up_ref > >
 CSecurity::LockingPointer< X509, X509_free_cpp, HardFun< int, X509 *, X509_up_ref > >
 CLookupTable< EnumType, RecordType, Hasher >
 CLookupTableRecord< EnumType >
 CMem::PoolMeter::mgb_tObject to track per-pool cumulative counters
 CMemBlobStatsVarious MemBlob class-wide statistics
 CMemObject::MemCacheState of an entry with regards to the [shared] memory caching
 CMemObject::XitTableState of an entry with regards to the [shared] in-transit table
 CMemStore::SlotAndPageTemporary storage for slot and page ID pointers; for the waiting cache
 CMessageDelayConfigConfiguration for response delay pools
 CMgr::ActionParamsCache Manager Action parameters extracted from the user request
 CMgr::ActionPasswordListList of cachemgr password authorization definitions. Currently a POD
 CMgr::CountersActionDataStore traffic and resource counters
 CMgr::IoActionDataStore size histograms of network read() from peer server
 CMgr::ServiceTimesActionDataStore service times for 5 and 60 min
 CMgr::StoreIoActionDataStore IO interface data
 CNeighborTypeDomainListRepresentation of a neighbor_type_domain configuration directive. A POD
 CAcl::OptionValue< bool >
 CAcl::OptionValue< CharacterSet >
 COverflowSumTester< S >
 CIpc::Mem::Owner< Ipc::FewToFewBiQueue::Metadata >
 CIpc::Mem::Owner< Ipc::Mem::PageStack >
 CIpc::Mem::Owner< Ipc::MultiQueue::Metadata >
 CIpc::Mem::Owner< Ipc::OneToOneUniQueues >
 CIpc::Mem::Owner< Ipc::QueueReaders >
 CIpc::Mem::Owner< Ipc::StoreMapItems >
 CIpc::Mem::Owner< Rock::Rebuild::Stats >
 CParser::BinaryTokenizerContextEnables efficient debugging with concise field names: Hello.version.major
 CParser::InsufficientInputThrown by modern "incremental" parsers when they need more data
 CPeerSelectionDumperHelper class to report a selected destination (for debugging)
 CPendingOpenRequestHolds information necessary to handle JoinListen response
 CPing::pingStats_Measurements collected by the squidclient ping mode logics
 CPing::TheConfigParameters controlling 'ping' mode message looping
 Cping_dataICP probing of cache_peers during peer selection
 CPointerPrinter< Pointer >
 CPoolingAllocator< Value >STL Allocator that uses Squid memory pools for memory management
 CPoolingAllocator< Value >::rebind< OtherValue >
 CProgressAdvancement of work that consists of (usually known number) of similar steps
 CProtocolViewReference to a protocol name[/version] string; no 0-termination is assumed
 CProxyProtocol::ParsedSuccessful parsing result
 CProxyProtocol::Two::TlvSingle Type-Length-Value (TLV) block from PROXY protocol specs
 CRange< C, S >
 CRawPointerT< Pointer >
 CRefCount< C >
 CRefCount< AccessLogEntry >
 CRefCount< Action >
 CRefCount< ActionCreator >
 CRefCount< ActionProfile >
 CRefCount< Adaptation::History >
 CRefCount< Aggregate >
 CRefCount< AsyncCall >
 CRefCount< Auth::UserRequest >
 CRefCount< BodyPipe >
 CRefCount< Call_ >
 CRefCount< ClassCHostPool >
 CRefCount< Client >
 CRefCount< CodeContext >
 CRefCount< Comm::Connection >
 CRefCount< CompositePoolNode >
 CRefCount< DelayIdComposite >
 CRefCount< DelayTagged >
 CRefCount< DelayTaggedBucket >
 CRefCount< DelayUser >
 CRefCount< DelayUserBucket >
 CRefCount< DelayVector >
 CRefCount< DiskFile >
 CRefCount< DiskThreadsDiskFile >
 CRefCount< DownloaderContext >
 CRefCount< ErrorDetail >
 CRefCount< ErrorDetailsList >
 CRefCount< ESIContext >
 CRefCount< ESIElement >
 CRefCount< ESIInclude >
 CRefCount< ESIParser >
 CRefCount< ESISegment >
 CRefCount< ESIStreamContext >
 CRefCount< esiTreeParent >
 CRefCount< ExternalACLEntry >
 CRefCount< Fs::Ufs::UFSSwapDir >
 CRefCount< FwdState >
 CRefCount< Header >
 CRefCount< History >
 CRefCount< Http::Message >
 CRefCount< HttpReply >
 CRefCount< HttpRequest >
 CRefCount< IORequestor >
 CRefCount< IoResult >
 CRefCount< IoState >
 CRefCount< Lock >
 CRefCount< MasterState >
 CRefCount< MasterXaction >
 CRefCount< MemBlob >
 CRefCount< MessageBucket >
 CRefCount< MessageDelayPool >
 CRefCount< NotePairs >
 CRefCount< Notes >
 CRefCount< Object< Class > >
 CRefCount< Object< Ipc::FewToFewBiQueue::Metadata > >
 CRefCount< Object< Ipc::Mem::PageStack > >
 CRefCount< Object< Ipc::MemMap::Shared > >
 CRefCount< Object< Ipc::MultiQueue::Metadata > >
 CRefCount< Object< Ipc::OneToOneUniQueues > >
 CRefCount< Object< Ipc::QueueReaders > >
 CRefCount< Object< Ipc::StoreMapAnchors > >
 CRefCount< Object< Ipc::StoreMapItems > >
 CRefCount< Object< Rock::Rebuild::Stats > >
 CRefCount< PortCfg >
 CRefCount< ReadRequest >
 CRefCount< Request >
 CRefCount< ResolvedPeers >
 CRefCount< Rock::SwapDir >
 CRefCount< RT >
 CRefCount< Service >
 CRefCount< ServiceConfig >
 CRefCount< ServiceGroup >
 CRefCount< ServiceRep >
 CRefCount< statefulhelper >
 CRefCount< Store::Disk >
 CRefCount< StoreIOState >
 CRefCount< StoreSearch >
 CRefCount< Subscription >
 CRefCount< TlsDetails >
 CRefCount< User >
 CRefCount< VectorPool >
 CRefCount< WriteRequest >
 CRefreshPatternRepresentation of a refresh pattern
 CReportSysErrorStream manipulator for printing a system call error (if any)
 CRock::LoadingEntrySmart StoreEntry-level info pointer (hides anti-padding LoadingParts arrays)
 CRock::LoadingFlagsLow-level anti-padding storage class for LoadingEntry and LoadingSlot flags
 CRock::LoadingSlotSmart db slot-level info pointer (hides anti-padding LoadingParts arrays)
 CRock::Rebuild::StatsCache_dir indexing statistics shared across same-kid process restarts
 CRrSpecs< Content >Metadata for parsing DNS A and AAAA records
 CSBufEqualSBuf equality predicate for STL algorithms etc
 CSBufReservationRequirementsNamed SBuf::reserve() parameters. Defaults ask for and restrict nothing
 CSBufStartsWithSBuf "starts with" predicate for STL algorithms etc
 CSecurity::AlertTLS Alert protocol frame from RFC 5246 Section 7.2
 CSecurity::ExtensionTLS Hello Extension from RFC 5246 Section
 CSecurity::HandshakeTLS Handshake Protocol frame from RFC 5246 Section 7.4
 CSecurity::HandshakeParserIncremental TLS/SSL Handshake parser
 CSecurity::KeyDataTLS certificate and private key details from squid.conf
 CSecurity::KeyLoggerManages collecting and logging secrets of a TLS connection to tls_key_log
 CSecurity::LockingPointer< T, UnLocker, Locker >
 CSecurity::PeerOptionsTLS squid.conf settings for a remote server peer
 CSecurity::PeerOptions::flags_Flags governing Squid internal TLS operations
 CSecurity::Sslv2RecordDraft-hickman-netscape-ssl-00. Section 4.1. SSL Record Header Format
 CSecurity::TLSPlaintextTLS Record Layer's frame from RFC 5246 Section 6.2.1
 CSipcIoIpcIo wrapper for debugs() streams; XXX: find a better class name
 CSourceLocationSource code location that is cheap to create, copy, and store
 CSplay< V >
 CSplay< acl_httpstatus_data * >
 CSplay< char * >
 CSplay< mem_node * >
 CSplay< MemChunk * >
 CSplay< RefCount >
 CSplayConstIterator< V >
 CSplayIterator< V >
 CSplayNode< V >
 CSplayNode< acl_httpstatus_data * >
 CSplayNode< char * >
 CSplayNode< mem_node * >
 CSplayNode< MemChunk * >
 CSplayNode< RefCount >
 CSquidConfigRepresentation of the configuration. POD
 CSsl::BioBIO source and sink node, handling socket I/O and monitoring SSL state
 CSsl::CertificateDb::RowA wrapper for OpenSSL database row of TXT_DB database
 CSsl::GeneratorRequestA pending Ssl::Helper request, combining the original and collapsed queries
 CSsl::GeneratorRequestorInitiator of an Ssl::Helper query
 CSsl::GlobalContextStorageClass for storing/manipulating LocalContextStorage per local listening address/port
 CSsl::LockMaintains an exclusive blocking file-based lock
 CSsl::LockerException-safe way to obtain and release a lock
 Cssl_optionSet of options we can parse and what they map to
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::hash< Helper::ReservationId >Default hash functor to support std::unordered_map<HelperReservationId, *>
 Cstd::hash< SBuf >Default hash functor to support std::unordered_map<SBuf,*>
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 CStore::SwapMetaIteratorIterates serialized swap meta fields loaded into a given buffer
 CStore::SwapMetaUnpackerStore entry metadata view providing a for-range loop meta field iterator API
 CStore::SwapMetaViewSwap metadata field inside the buffer given to SwapMetaUnpacker
 CStoreInfoStatsHigh-level store statistics used by mgr:info action. Used inside PODs!
 CStoreInfoStats::PartInfo common to memory and disk parts of the storage. Used inside PODs!
 CStoreIoStatsStore statistics related to low-level I/O
 CStoreRebuildDataCache_dir(s) indexing statistics
 CSuccessSumTester< S >
 CSupportOrVetoBoolean flag that is false by default and becomes permanently false if vetoed
 CSwapChecksum24Maintains a 24-bit checksum over integer fields
 CTestProgramImplements test program's main() function while enabling customization
 CTime::EngineEvent class for doing synthetic time etc
 CTransients::EntryStatusShared entry metadata, used for synchronization
 CTransport::TheConfigParameters controlling outgoing connection
 CTypeTraits_::InterfaceConvenience base for any class with pure virtual method(s)
 Cunary_function< _Arg, _Result >
 Cunary_function< store_client, void >
 CVectorMap< Key, Value >
 CVectorMap< unsigned char, ClassCBucket >
 CVectorMap< unsigned char, DelayBucket >
 CWithAnswer< AnswerT >Access to a callback result carried by an asynchronous CallDialer
 CWithAnswer< Argument1 >
 CWithAnswer< Ipc::StartListeningAnswer >
 CXactionInitiatorIdentifies a protocol agent or Squid feature initiating transactions
 CC *
 CCall_ const *
 CDestination *
 CDH *
 CHeader const *
 CHistory const *
 CJob *
 CObject< Class > const *
 CObject< Ipc::FewToFewBiQueue::Metadata > const *
 CObject< Ipc::MemMap::Shared > const *
 CObject< Ipc::MultiQueue::Metadata > const *
 CObject< Ipc::OneToOneUniQueues > const *
 CObject< Ipc::QueueReaders > const *
 CObject< Ipc::StoreMapAnchors > const *
 CObject< Ipc::StoreMapItems > const *
 CObject< Rock::Rebuild::Stats > const *
 CPortCfg const *
 CRT const *
 CStartListeningAnswer *
 C*)(Argument1 &)
 CX509 *






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