Re: Blocker bzr problem on Windows

From: Guido Serassio <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:04:00 +0200

Hi Henrik,

Sorry for the delayed response .... :-(

At 22:34 15/04/2008, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
>tis 2008-04-15 klockan 20:30 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:
> > I cannot waste my very limited time trying to fix the development
> > tools that I should use ..... :-(
>My proposal if you find that you have time to work on Squid-3, ignoring
>the tools problem:
>Create an NT branch in the devel CVS repository, and do your Windows
>port update work there, using the tools you are used to. There is no
>problem to mirror Squid-3.0 in the devel cvs repository if you need.
>Then submit changes to trunk / 3.0 when suitable.
>When you get to the point that Squid-3 runs properly on Windows and it's
>time for a release then we can revisit the tools & branch problem..
>hopefully by then bzr has got it's act together, and we also have a
>clearer view of things..

This could be a way.
But before, I like to focus on Squid 2 before the 2.7 release, hoping
that in the meantime the bzr people will fix the problem

I like to run some Windows in-depth testing on 2.7 and to add a
Windows specific port of the domain resolv.conf directive, I should
have some time during the incoming week-end: In Italy the 25 April is Holiday.



Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1 10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135 Fax. : +39.011.9781115
Received on Tue Apr 22 2008 - 12:31:24 MDT

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