Re: [squid-users] can't get to certain sites through proxy

From: Mark Drago <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 14:11:55 -0400

On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 18:56 +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 October 2005 17:00, Mark Drago wrote:
> > Is there a page or an FAQ somewhere that may help me troubleshoot a
> > problem where a site works fine when not going through squid but has
> > errors when accessed through squid? I'm having trouble logging in to a
> > site when the connection is going through the proxy and I'm not really
> > sure where to start.
> Perhaps you can tell what kind of "trouble" you have. Maybe even the URL if
> it's publicly available.

The site is - it's the webmail for the
RoadRunner ISP that one of our customers is using. Our customer gave us
a username and password to help diagnose the problem, but obviously and
unfortunately I can't pass it on. I can get to the login screen without
a problem, but when I try logging in I get an alert box that reads:
'Session timed out. Log in again' and it then redirects me back to the
login screen.

> Otherwise you can try tcpdump/tethereal/ethereal to dump the network
> traffic and analyse the difference between going through a proxy or
> bypassing it.

I tried this before, but it was largely useless because it is SSL

> > httpd_accel_host virtual
> > httpd_accel_port 80
> > httpd_accel_with_proxy on
> > httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
> Since you appear to be using interception caching... have you tried with
> normal forward proxying (pointing your browser to the proxy)?

Yes. Although interception caching is enabled, all of the tests that I
have been running have involved me pointing my browser directly at the

> > redirect_program /usr/local/bin/jesred
> Does it work without this?

Nope. I tried removing it and it still didn't work. After that didn't
work I just started removing things that didn't seem entirely necessary.
So, I ended up with a pretty bare-bones configuration and the error
remained. Then I tried using the stock squid installation that Fedora
Core 4 installs. The only thing I changed in Fedora's configuration was
to allow connections to it from my network. I see the same problem.

Could RoadRunner be doing something on purpose that would make proxies
not work? What could they be doing that would make requests arriving
through a proxy not work? Has anyone had any similar problems with
other sites?

> Christoph

Thank You,
Mark Drago.

Received on Wed Oct 26 2005 - 12:16:56 MDT

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